I’m curious what can be achieved using Rhino’s built-in Rendering. It’s hard to gauge due to the fact that it’s hard to filter internet search results and know what one is looking at.
My goal is simply to do basic architectural renderings, not necessarily photo-realism (maybe I’ll work up to that though).
(Nathan 'jesterKing' Letwory)
September 9, 2020, 3:44am
In Rhino WIP - that is upcoming Rhino 7 the render engine of Rhino Render is powered by Cycles. Here are some examples picked from our very own Gallery section
This build was started as part of @theoutside 's “Subd cars-” challenge:
Now the front exterior is completed with details as: Improved head lights, tire threads, window wipers, interior mirror and a better door handle with a dent in the door. A rubber fitting for the fender was also added as smal, dark details add realism.
Rendered in Rhino Render at 100 samples with the nVidia denoiser.
And here is the rear:
Vents done by hand as I wanted to keep it SubD… that was tedio…
I’m learning how to use the new physically based material settings in the v7 WIP.
Here trying out subsurface scattering to try and make a more life-like skin material.
The mesh comes from a scan by MPII from the Aim@Shape repository.
Thanks to @nathanletwory for the tips on how to set this up.
Not using any textures here, just these settings for the material, with a strong directional backlight and a dimmer rectangular source from the side
…and another trying it out w…
I took some pix of the thunderstorm to make a background for the diner, which started all the fires are here–including the one that’s threatening my friend’s house house, where I have moved some shop things in. It was only a cellphone pic, so I stacked a few more pics to reduce the noise, and used nVidia’s denoise to clean it up a bit.
At least I have a background I can use; the other wasn’t mine. The metal for the diner is still a problem texture because, while the real diners are brushed (san…
check the specs at the bottom…21.91 seconds.
v7 rhino render on an i9 pc/ rtx 5000 - nvidia denoiser active.
This is the model for Holomark3 that I just finished.
It’s a concept design for an electric cafe racer, fully modeled in Rhino and rendered with the Raytraced display mode (Cycles engine) at 500 samples in 4.01 minutes on a GTX 1070.
Made with classic surface modelling, solid modelling, blocks, nested blocks, curvepiping, edge softening etc.
Some details:
(these are lower resolution and done in just over 1 minute each)
The sha…
Did a little more work trying to modernize the look of the retro radio I built for the getting started demo from a while back-
added back lit LCD controls and simplified the color scheme- [radio_render1]
Image ran for 4min-ish with NVIDIA denoisers kicking in at 20 samples. (coming soon for you to test) I could have ended the render at about 40 seconds, as it didn’t change noticeably after that, but let it ran because I got distracted by something else.
I haven’t seen too many architectural renderings yet, but you should be able to do that just fine with Rhino Render in Rhino 7 (and Raytraced in Rhino 6, as they are powered by the same engine)
Some examples of the render engine used outside Rhino maybe can show you its capabilities:
On Netflix you can find the film Next Gen , also rendered with Cycles.
(Soaring Stars lab)
September 11, 2020, 2:46am
Here I make one: [FEEDBACK] My first Rhino Cycles Render using Rhino 7 WIP
A simple example Rh7 Cycles Render vs Redered in realtime