More retro radio

Did a little more work trying to modernize the look of the retro radio I built for the getting started demo from a while back-

added back lit LCD controls and simplified the color scheme-

Image ran for 4min-ish with NVIDIA denoisers kicking in at 20 samples. (coming soon for you to test) I could have ended the render at about 40 seconds, as it didn’t change noticeably after that, but let it ran because I got distracted by something else.


Was this posted somewhere?

all our video get posted on our youtube page.


It’s a great video Kyle, watched it from start to finish, it’s nice to see you working, thinking and trying things out. At sudden moments I felt I was watching a Bob Ross video, and you make take that as a great compliment. I’m wondering if this is maybe material I could advise to my students who are just starting Rhino, but it might be a bit too advanced, what do you think? But it would certainly inspire some to dive deeper into learning Rhino.

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Thanks for the kind words!
By all means share with whoever you think it would be useful to-

make sure and check out all the getting started stuff posted on our channel!