Electric concept motorcycle (Holomark3)

This is the model for Holomark3 that I just finished.
It’s a concept design for an electric cafe racer, fully modeled in Rhino and rendered with the Raytraced display mode (Cycles engine) at 500 samples in 4.01 minutes on a GTX 1070.

Made with classic surface modelling, solid modelling, blocks, nested blocks, curvepiping, edge softening etc.

Some details:
(these are lower resolution and done in just over 1 minute each)

The shaded version:

The rendered (OpenGL) version:
(Here I use one spotlight and a HDRI for light and reflections. Light box with the other two lights are turned off)

And the complete setup:
No HDRI’s, just two rectangular lights in a black environment, set up in an old fashioned “light box” with one wall missing.


Love this holo…Really appreciate your setting notes too!!

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the motorbike is very stylish
the modeling is also clean

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