So, i have bought myself a new computer which is still rather old but has 2 gb of dedicated video memory, its blazingly fast at least in Rhino 5. So i made a few test rounds with Rhino 6 nothing extensive but a few findings, which might not help to solve anything but better talking about it than ignoring it.
setting both versions to Antialiasing of 4, Rhino 6 seems a bit slower by feeling, it does not feel so snappy as in Version 5. it feels a bit like using a 512 mb video card which i had before compared to the 2 gb i would have now.
also i had some strange issue, in the beginning swiveling around and navigating in general, also opening and proceeding commands seemed all snappier. the last times i opened it its just super slow, even a simple box or nothing at all paning zooming in wire mode in any viewport like a chewing gum, like something is working in the background not giving me full performance. quitting rhino 6 several times and opening rhino 5 i see that the issue was definitely in version 6. maybe its a coincidence, but just now switching around the Antialiasing in the open gl settings there and back seems to have resolved it for now, anybody else experiencing that?
losing focus
sometimes i lose focus on accidentally called up commands, meaning i cant escape them from anywhere, only hovering the mouse onto the open command panel gives me the focus back which allows me to use escape. i cant repeat how that happens but when it happens it seems sticky till i restart Rhino.
floating command bar
something far less important but noticeable, that the new bar is quite a bit bigger, it just feels clunky and waists a bit visual space. also useless round buttons partially greyed out from general Mac OS theme are now in that bar. looked definitely better in the old version.
GUI in general
i am not sure i like the white boarders around everywhere, maybe i can switch that off in the advanced settings? i dont know it just looked so brutal to scroll through that mess there that i left it for now…
also most of the icons seem far too glowy in mojave dark mode, i assume that these were simply batch inverted with no extra love for the detail. that this does not work out on several icons making them almost unrecognizable has hopefully been considered already.
placing panels like Boxedit into the sidebar is a fancy thing, i believe the idea is good, but i am not fully sure i would like that at all instances. maybe having the option for a floating panel would be good i could not find any at least, as the dashed version for example instead of toggling the visibility in the sidebar there which makes no sense to me.
hope its not too much crap i wrote up here, i will add things as a go along testing it.