Holomark 2 Released!

Ok guys, I hope most of the bugs are ironed out now.

Here’s what’s updated:

  • New faster spin test
  • Fixed disappearing red line
  • Holomark2 is now an install file, so it’s easier to install.
    Just download, run and type Holomark2 within Rhino.
  • A new Graph visually shows the scores compared to a Synthetic Average.
  • It checks what language Rhino is running in and shows a warning if it’s not English.
  • The mini file is now write protected and imported into Holomark2,
    so you don’t accidentally alters it and gets false results.

Click the image to go to the download page

The scores are NO LONGER comparable to the earlier betas as I replaced the core spin test with the built in testmaxspeed equivalent for python and updated the average scores so they now use a bit above my Quadro 4000 as average. I will probably update this in the future…
I did not alter the CPU average from the previous builds.
I also fixed the oddly disappearing red line bug that a few users encountered.

I was also going to replace the stresstest with a fixed 10x10 grid of meshed minis, but that requires more coding, and more time, which I don’t have right now, so those with a K5000 will just have to live with the long wait for the 500 cars to fill the screen :smiley:

ENJOY and share, both scores and bugs.

So what are you waiting for? Go get it!


Here’s my score for an Nvidia GeForce GT 750M:

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Thanks John!
I am exited to see if it the new visual graph works as well as I hope, and by the look of your scores it does.
The Quadros and AMD’s cards really excel on GPU_16. Cheers!

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I was surprised my system got as high a score as it did.

Well, maybe I have to weigh the scores from the different tests a bit differently. I’ll look into that during this RC phase. And your system has a good CPU.

“Power through resource-exhausting and graphics-intensive workloads with the advanced design of the Dell Precision™ T5600”

Well, I’m not so sure looking at these scores…

Edit - Ran the test again with just Rhino running and score improved to 21434

I don’t know why but now it works for another language! (last beta didn’t in my pc.)

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Well… why is our xeon so slow in cpu UDT score?

Can’t seem to download the RHI - upon clicking the link I get this and the “Download” link is dead:

Hi @BrianM that is a mystery to me, as the Xeon’s are quite often showing up with slow UDT scores. and I have NO idea why. Hopefully this test can help the masterminds figure out why.

Hi Menno. it seems to work here now, please try again, and if it fails I’ll send you the file directly.

Hi Jorgen, here is some more data for yourself and the masterminds

I ran the test again after a reboot in the 3 conditions shown

GPU - The UDT shape at GPU_02 much better in the customised UI but slows down again in the standard

CPU - The Twist and Taper and making silhouettes both slow in 64 bit and speeds up a lot in 32 bit

The other results seem fairly consistent - Funny the 32 bit had the best score.

Hm, I also see that your GPU_21 - 2D massive is really slow on the “Standard UI” test runs.

And that CPU_08 - Making Silhouettes are half the speed on the 64 bit tests.

Hi Jørgen,

I ran the test 3 times, the first time I got the splash screen at the end of the test without the scores but I did get the text out dialog with them in it. The second time I ran it (without closing Rhino first, just a new blank file), I did not get either the splash screen nor the text out dialog, running it a third time after closing and re-opening Rhino got me the same as the first time - no data on the splash except for the graph, but I did get the text out… Screenshot below… --Mitch

Edit - accidental clicking on the splash, I see there is some text hidden behind it… So the white thing (block instance) is “blocking” it in my case… Because the text is white, not black. That’s because you’re putting the results on the “Default” layer, which could be any color according to Rhino options (mine is white). So maybe better load your own template with a black default layer? Or create a black text layer? --M