Rhino 8 UI inconsistencies with R7

@stevebaer @curtisw @Gijs
I migrated to R8 today and I found out that I have grown very much accustomed to how R7 UI is set up to be used and really miss the interactions that R7 has and R8 doesn’t.

  1. For these icons, I used to be able to right-click them and call the submenu easily. Now I have to carefully move my cursor to the corner and left-click the expander-triangle.

  2. The docking mechanism is imho a downgrade from what we had in R7. In R7 we had this:

Now we had to hover to exactly where the blue labels are, which I don’t understand how this is supposed to make the interface more intuitive.


  1. I am not a fan of the grip:
    In this tight space we had a scrollbar, a divider where I can adjust width, and a grip. I have great troubles moving my mouse to the 2 pixels of the divider so I can adjust width. Also, the grip design looks quite old fashioned. In the UI of Blender, photoshop or illustrator, they are not using the 4-dots grip anymore as it clutters the space.

can we revert back to the clean one line seperator which R7 had?

  1. Why is favorite not in Title case?

  2. You can see how difficult it is to dock things with R8 UI. Also, the selection filter toolbar greys out completely for some reason at the end.

  1. I don’t understand why we are using rounded corners in some of the tabs and sharp corners in other cases.

  2. when can we revamp these Icons?

    The color scheme looks very old-fashioned and too colorful for a software published in 2024.

Look how the icons are made in Illustrator:

and in Blender:


Lots of people have been pointing out these things for a very long time, but for me it’s easiest to link my own posts:

But also, we can revamp those icons already:


Most of the core developers have retired. I don’t expect any further improvements to the user interface. Even fixing issues might take a lot of time.

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The fly-out menus from the icons work exactly the same in V8 as in V7 for me. Left or right click and hold briefly and the menu expands. (Two different menus depending on whether I left or right click.) The time the mouse button needs to be held can be adjusted in Options

Clicking on the triangle in the right corner and the menu expand immediately, also as in V7.

@davidcockey is right, on this point the functionality is the same. Note also that if no command is associated with the right mouse button, then the submenu appears immediately, without delay, with a simple click.

I don’t believe this to be true, a few have, but certainly not most. We have also hired quite a few people :slight_smile:

Many of us spend time on UI Items (myself included). And we do want to improve everything in Rhino, UI included. Gijs for example spends a lot of time writing tickets on bad UI we need to fix.

But yes, this can be very true.


I don’t believe this functionality has changed between Rhino 7 and 8. Could you show me exactly what has changed?

I would agree with that. Hopefully we can tune this up.


Noted; I’m not sure if we’ll change the styling at this point.

This menu entry is not part of default Rhino. I’m not sure where you got it from (possibly a plug-in or a custom RUI file).

Many of us spend time on UI Items (myself included). And we do want to improve everything in Rhino, UI included. Gijs for example spends a lot of time writing tickets on bad UI we need to fix.

What I don’t understand is why R8 UI is an apparent downgrade from R7 UI. No offense to the hard working people who made R8 happened, but I don’t see a point of putting grips on the tabs and changing the docking system in R8.


Thanks for following it up.

I found out that using my toolbar inherited from R7. I couldn’t remove the macro for right click action on the icon, which makes me unable to open the cascade submenu with right click on the icon.

Any ideas?

For what it is worth, I didn’t have any problem with the same toolbar in R7

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I had the same issue, I couldn’t find any solution. The only way was to delete the entry directly in the RUI file by opening it in a text editor.

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I tried editing out the right mouse button tooltip. It still doesn’t work.

@stevebaer I am attaching my precious toolbar that I have been using for many years. I think this is the problem as it might carry lots of legacy settings from previous versions.

210129_WileyToolbar.rui (15.0 MB)

@stevebaer Another example of Regression in R8 UI.

I was trying to add in more toolbars today. you can see there’s a weird behavoir where the toolbar dropdown resizes for a split seconds before stablizing.

I am also not a huge fan of this dropdown. I cannot move it, there is also no “quick search” function where I can type the first few letters of what i want to look for in the window. In fact the window disappears when I try to type in V, (looking for VisualARQ from 100 other toolbars)

Below is how R7 UI does the job perfectly.


I believe @CallumSykes is working on an improved version of this drop-down. I don’t know if a search box is part of the effort though.

This drove me absolutely nuts. I spent a lot of time fixing this, and I’m hoping to release this ticket in 8.12 which fixes that and some other issues.

Where and why would you like to move it?

There is not yet, no. But I’m open to this.

Do you access this menu quite regularly? Turning toolbars and panels on and off? If you regularly reorganise your panels/toolbars WindowLayouts might be worth looking into.

Yes I do like the quick search function that R7 has, given the toolbar in rhino is not stable with different screen scaling setup and I would need to close and reopen the toolbar if the toolbar is positioned somewhere way out of the screen bound.

“At this point.” :expressionless:

Not even an option to hide them yet to get parity with V7 functionality…

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From a UIUX point of view,
this is the only instance where you have this kind of dropdown scrollables in R8 UI.

My brain automatically associates it with the below tab, which is floating, movable and resizable window.