I am kind new in Grasshopper and mostly I try to use it as as a tool to create and analyse woodcarving designs and shapes/ forms.
I would love if some have some tips or a tutorial how we could recreate a chisel gauge wood texture as in the photos bellow.
Idea is to test in grasshopper ideas before I finally carving them with hand tools or use 3d prints for copper molds.
I was thinking that maybe a good idea would be to use attractor points to control the size direction and symmetry.
Thanks for the help, I have “play” with the voronoi pattern but my knowledge in Grasshopper is still basic I think. As in the photos a voronai pattern that is randomized in shape in a surface and attractors to control the size / direction of the texture would be ideal. again thanks and I will keep trying.
I have deside to try with a light script using Voronoi and a curve attractor to control the Voronoi cells. But here I am stuck and 100% the script is a mess. I liked to split the cells in to groups so I the future the script is easy adapted. not close to carving chisel, maybe some random needed, but anyway I just like to share and hear about solutions and suggestions. GaugeCarvingSurfaceFinal.3dm (3.0 MB) GaugeCarvingSurfaceFinal.gh (24.1 KB)
Hi Laurent. Thanks you so for the time and help , I have read the post and try to adjust the script to my needs.
I have hard time to adapt it to a rectangular mesh /face and the Dendro plugin works not on my Mac.
your solution would be great if I could get it working for my especially the last one on your post where
it is more random and more “non chiseled” parts.