Font Weight Changes show in Text Properties Box but not in Document

oh i can reproduce this issue for a long time already, this has been discussed too many times with many people actually complaining about it.

fonts are pretty broken in Rhino since version 6 i believe, in rhino 5 all that still worked before some strange changes where implemented that bricked a lot of fonts, and no @Alain not just open sans, many many others. you logged something yourself i remember

i am sorry if i sound like the pissed guy, but this is a major issue for many years and reading that @dan once again why ever can not reproduce the same issue which was described in miniscule detail plenty of times just boils my blood already.

@dan you have responded to the same issue and never got back after being served an exact step by step process to repeat what is not so difficult to repeat, so what is going on for real?

so many people out there suffer not being able to use their regularly used fonts which are numerous and not downloaded from strange pages, but fonts that are actually pretty expensive and very commonly used. which just dont want to show up in Rhino god(probably being the only one knowing) knows why.

below a few links i believe there are plenty more but i have other things to do either.

and i believe that this older topic might even be related.