Can anyone help me take a normal closed mesh form and apply a Voronei effect.
I can only find Voroni tricks with shapes like spheres and flat boxes but not a closed mesh.
Any help would be great. Thank you.
Can anyone help me take a normal closed mesh form and apply a Voronei effect.
I can only find Voroni tricks with shapes like spheres and flat boxes but not a closed mesh.
Any help would be great. Thank you.
you didn’t search enough. This 19 $ model is just a model that is triangulated and the dual mesh is extracted.
using Dendro
and please try to change there are so many ways to skin the rabbit
I’ve actually spent quite a bit of time on this over the years, and researched everything in existance.
If you’re trying to do this ‘volumetrically’, then pretty much no one has shared data on that type.
Everyone just does silly ‘shell’ type methods.
Yet, no volumetric solution.
As a starting point use the ggTesselation in the Geometry Bym BullAnt plugin. It has loads of different tessealations to generate interesting lattices. Weaira Phelan is my favourite.
This can create tessellating Breps within a boundary volume Brep but either by Bounding Box, Intersection or Enclosing… it doesn’t split the Breps that lie on the surface so you will get a pixellated effect using Intersecting or Enclosing.
You can then get the Brep Edges from Deconstructing Brep component, Remove Duplicate lines component from the Kangaroo plugin and then Multipipe the lines.
I’ve been running the calcs on the file from work on this I left off on last november.
Finally got it generated.
Pretty sure I modified the best stuff I could find in the forum(s) related to GH, so I’m sure someone will recognize some of the setup.
I remember that I wanted to get it to be more clear and concise but it seemed like there was still some hidden magic going on.
My goal would be to derive something or be able to use something that is very simplistic that works easily on any solid model.
new_mods.gh (29.4 KB)
I think last time I was working on this, I was trying to create core geometry for 3D printing. The calculation time was very extensive and the results were a bit undesirable or very sensitive to adjustments. …
Later I’ll have to look into this again, and see if I can figure anything out but I think @DanielPiker was a big help in the initial file and maybe one other person if I can remember where I extracted the original data if I’m not mistaken.
I remember over all it was very hard to find much of anything on actual ‘volume’ versions of this ‘voronoi’ style modeling. I’ve been very interested in this approach for many years and look forward to working on it more and more until I see all users with a simple toolset that can make this much easier.
I’m not even sure how much I modified it really maybe only a few percent from the original versions that were shared. And seems like I only understood 40% of how it was setup at the time.
Ultimately, I’d like better control throughout the entire volume, not just necessarily the core.
Hello CAD CAM CNC lander.
Thank you. Can you tell me how I can change the input from a BREP to a MESH ?
Thank you.
Sorry for the simple questions. Im new to grasshopper.
How could I create something like this ? I love the difference between the small and big openings.
I wonder why this topic of creating amazing forms based on mesh forms is not more discussed.
Thank you.
This is a nice simple code im using to generate a simple Voronei. See screen shot.
One question. The code is outputting hundreds of separate meshes, how can i merge all these meshes into 1 mesh ?..
Thank you.
You make a classical error!
After the explode some branches are added, a branch contains all the segments of the curve. Or you flatten and you lost the datatree (not a concern here) or you Trim the tree.
This was discussed
It is planned I will publish that in component in Nautilus plugin.
The best results similar to that I ever got was using Autodesk’s mesher program, which is not really supported anymore, but probably still works. But it lacks options and control.
Obviously though, that particular approach and 99% of others are all still using the “shell” method.
My opinion is us ‘users’ need more power with this using “volume” related control.
The extensive ‘shelling’ approach that I see 99% of the time is just childs play.
We need a real powerful solution that’s actually based on 3D volume.
This might be part of the problem:
I’m not sure if GH can compensate for the lack of volume consideration or if there’s such a thing as volume brep consideration.
I’ll have to take a look at it later. Depending on where the mesh is needed it could be as simple as converting it after or something.
Good morning all
I changed the code to FLATTEN. so now the code produced just one finished mesh
Here is my new code.
I know this is not volume based as mentioned above but could some of the more expert users show us how we could create some nice effects using a mesh as start point.
There are some images posted above showing the mesh rabbit with amazing patterns that look like old wood and cracks on the surface.
Is there a good plugin to have fun creating amazing surfaces based on a mesh… Id love to see what can be done?
Thanks and maybe we can have some fun with this
Good morning all
Is there any tutorial or files to help me create something like this ? im a newby but id love to rap patterns around my meshes to create some amazing geometry.
How can we do that ?
Thank you.
I am the creator of this. Nothing difficult. Take a “good” quad mesh (no triangle just quads) and use Nautilus Plugin. The “Maze Kruskal Extended” need a licence to work completely. Otherwize it will output partial results.
Here the original file with the Nautilus Components.
Play with MAze component without the mesh output (a bit long). When happy you can output mesh.
maze rabbit Nautilus.gh (304.1 KB)
Here is the Subd I made to duplicate the design of RABBIT CHAIR OUTDOOR from Stefano Giovannoni
rabbit subd.gh (15.6 KB)
I surely used Vray with some standard materials and a HDRI as dome light.
Got it, thank you!
This is funny I totally forgot about this. Glad I’m doing some review lol