3D voronoi

I am pretty new to grasshopper and I want to convert a mesh into a 3D Voronoi for 3D printing, like the attached image.
I have been searching all over the internet but all the example and YouTube tutorials seem to be doing Voronoi only on the surface of the mesh such that the resulting mesh is hollow but in my case, I want to a complete 3D Voronoi.


Hi Daniel,
I don’t have much experience in such things but I gave it a go. I used ‘dendro’ plugin.
Hopefully somebody with more experience in this kind of geometry will come along with something better.

sphere.gh (13.9 KB)

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Thanks, that looks great. I have not had a good look at the node setup yet but I would like to know if there is a way that I can increase/decrease the thickness of the edges and the radius at intersecting points?

You can but it starts having problems. I couldn’t devote any more time on it (sorry). Try experimenting yourself

Here’s a more dense voronoi sphere with dendro plugin.
Using Topologizer together will helps dendro work successfully.

VoronoiSphere_re.gh (12.2 KB)


hi kim!
I was learning from your code (amazing as always!) and saw that there is a leftover from the sphere (the semicircular seam - I reduced the tube thickness to make it more visible) do you have any idea how one could get rid of it?


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You mean the segments on the seam of original sphere? Then, you can cull them by using Curve Closest Point.

VoronoiSphere_reV2.gh (13.6 KB)



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Thanks, that looks perfect

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I see you have done some impressive work with images! Is it possible to use an image from an FEA (final element analysis) like the image attached to Influence the density of the Voronoi such that red sections in the FEA image represent high-density areas in the Voronoi that is generated?


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Love your profile pic. Long time fan