September 6, 2018, 6:41pm
need to do the MOSAIC
– just kidding, but I think I am going crazy trying to recreate a pattern called “samekomon”. Its basically consists of dots forming overlapping circles. The art of “samekomon” is to have a nice dot distribution*1 and that the pattern flows nicely between the circles.
I cannot stop trying different methods to create this effect for days now, but I am no step closer. My pattern lacks the flowiness quality of the original and I think I am missing something.Any tip, hint or advice would be greatly appreciated
1: same distance between the points on one circle, no gaps
My version:
same_komon.gh (1.1 MB)
1 Like
September 6, 2018, 7:28pm
I forgot: I did try some smoothing afterwards with kanagroo to close the gaps; it helped a bit but I don’t think it’s the root problem.
samekomon2.gh (9.8 KB)
Interesting pattern. Here’s my take on this.
Here is my take. I generate arcs of circle using points from a triangular pattern . Arcs are intersected using my Gilbert Tessellation script.
After some works on Gilbert Tessellations
I found some problems with my script, the logic was not very good to handle multiple cracks and curve in general (not just lines). It was quite long to find the good algorithm. Here is one version, that I am pretty happy with. Not very fast but it seems to work. The logic is quite simple.
Take curves, says that a curve represant the trajectory of a crack, this crack begins at the start point of the curve, it goes at constant velocity and continue unt…
Each curve is divided then points are culled using “Average” option. I didn’t manage to use Dots Display (it crashes my PC) so I used mesh !
Update I forgot the center point, and here with random also.
same_komon_LD.gh (27.7 KB)
Using random points
@Konrad thanks for your cool questions.
September 6, 2018, 9:28pm
Wow!! I didn’t expect that. GH community rocks Sadly I cannot look at scripts right now, but it will be the first thing tomorrow morning!! Thanks guys
@laurent_delrieu thank you for your awesome answers!
Some Lloyd relaxation to give a better look.
In electrical engineering and computer science, Lloyd's algorithm, also known as Voronoi iteration or relaxation, is an algorithm named after Stuart P. Lloyd for finding evenly spaced sets of points in subsets of Euclidean spaces and partitions of these subsets into well-shaped and uniformly sized convex cells. Like the closely related k-means clustering algorithm, it repeatedly finds the centroid of each set in the partition and then re-partitions the input according to which of these centro Al...
I had a distance threshold in order to not move exterior points. You will need Anemone for the recursion.
Playing with various density
same_komon_LD3.gh (94.0 KB)