My setup is : Rhino 5 SR9 64-bit Educational + V-Ray 1.5 for Rhino + VisualArq
I created a wall with VisualArq and I want to apply 2 different textures on it : brick texture on the outside and a cement texture on the inside. Can someone point me in the right direction on how to do that ?
I search on Youtube for a video that would do something like that and I couldn’t find one.
If this is not the right place to ask for help on my problems please tell me where to go and ask them.
Edit : since i post this i found something about visualARQ 1.8.
A wall that has 2 layers can have different textures on each wall.
I am trying now to accomplish that.
So far i succeeded applying a texture on a layer, the other one remaining white. (Don’t know why)
Edit 2 : I did it. I found a way to solve my problem. Please delete my question (i did not find a delete option).
Thanks a lot. I will come with other stupid/noob problems.
We don’t currently allow multiple material assigned to sub-objects, but it is being discussed.
As a work around, you can add a new surface just a little outside the wall object and apply the other texture to it. Pretty clunky but will sort of work.
Hi Rhose87,
Just in case somebody else gets stuck with the same problem, you can assign different materials to the layers of a wall from the wall styles dialog (_vaWallStyles command). There you can select each wall layer individually, and from the Attributes tab, assign a different material. Have a look at the image attached.
Can we expect sub-object texturing in Rhino6 ? Exploding the object to be textured does not allow for flexible editing afterwards, an offset surface is not always convenient either. Thank you.
Hello, I am following up on my question to explain how important sub-object texturing is for architectural design. Architectural projects undergo constant changes and visualizations are needed throughout the process. However in order to texture the model you need to explode or extract surfaces making solid modeling tools and Boolean operations unusable. What is a simple modification might take too much time and the solution of creating offset geometry for the texture is not always possible or practical. I think sub-object texturing is essential and combined with texture informed Boolean operations can be very powerful.
Sorry for the thread revival, but I was searching for a solution to the exact same problem.
Now in v6 or even in the upcoming v7, it would seem we still cannot separately texture map surfaces of a even a simple object like a wall (Slab)?
How can that be?
Sub object texture mapping is an absolute necessity for architecture and environment design where revisions are rapid and expected. Having to Extract or Explode as a workaround is a cheap trick and really creates unnecessary steps and complexity.
Coming from 15 years of using FormZ professionally, I find Rhino to be the most similar yet even more powerful and much less buggy and better supported. I love all the detailed documentation and I’ve spent weeks learning Rhino with good success.
However, I find the simple texture mapping of multiple textures on objects is severely lacking compared to the intuitive and interactive methods I have come to expect using FormZ.
I know Decals can also be used as a workaround but until they support using a real material from the material list and/or a VRay material, it’s not really very helpful, and way too limited. We would need to Decal with more complex materials than the decal tool offers currently.
Can anyone shed some light on this situation? Is there a simple solution I have simply missed?
The feature request item that Pascal linked to is open to the public and you can check the status there. That item is currently on the Future list. That said, the related item RH-43249 (not visible to the public) is on the 8.x list so there might be hope for that in the Rhino 8 timeline.
I am evaluating Rhino right now for replacing our current software (3DS Max) in all our workstations.
Working in the packaging/POP display industry we have a lot of packaging boxes with different maps on each face, in our 3D Scenes.
To my surprise I found that I have to explode every single different box in order to apply a different map on each face. Something that makes it hard for me to wholeheartedly recommend Rhino at the administration right now.
Do we have any concrete news about it being planned to be introduced in Rhino 8?
Best I can tell is NO. There is still no Texture Mapping icon available in the Properties window when you select a sub object, like selecting this face of a cube: