When I open the Properties panel and start to write a name for the selected object, and while the naming is still in progress I switch to another window to quickly check some picture or a website as a reference for dimensions that I want to include in the object’s name. Upon that moment switching back to Rhino will cause an undesired automatic deletion of the written name so far, which is kind of annoying, especially if the name includes important numbers that are not easy to remember. The only way to prevent that is to write the name, then click somewhere in Rhino’s window, and then switch to another window.
Is not it possible to make that process a little bit more convenient, such like preserving the written text so far in the Properties panel upon switching to another window?
That’s funny. This morning I experienced some disappearing of the newly added object name followed by an immediate switching to another window to quickly check some dimensions that I needed to add to the object name. But now everything works as expected.
Lets hope that we could also enjoy seeing a self-written code for added joints in Rhino similar to mating objects in Solidworks. Pretty useful for architectural projects, vehicle suspension, furniture and many other applications.
Yeah, I have watched multiple videos about Bongo a few years ago, but honestly it seems like a bit complicated compared to SolidWorks’ own simplified mating of objects which in most cases requires just a single mouse dragging to connect two objects with compatible properties (sphere, cylinder, flat wall etc). Also, Bongo is about animation driven motions of connected objects, while the mating in SolidWorks lets you manually move the connected objects with the mouse directly in the 3d viewport. The latter is extremely useful for manual testing of the behaviour of car suspension, as well as opening of doors, sliding of curved automotive door glasses etc.
I agree. I’m just pointing out that some work is happening, in a WIP build of Bongo, that of course many of you can’t test (I need to write a separate post on that nonsense).
Also some other separate work has been also happening in Kangaroo:
including this promising comment form @DanielPiker:
Maybe someday we get all this into Rhino? I’d love to see that happening, at some future version, but no before I see an upgrade version of Rhino where all what’s already here actually works well. Before any new features.
Rhino really needs better NURBS modeling and editing tools, before anything else. But being able to set simple joints is an important part of the work of many Rhino users. I don’t mean development of complex collision engines. All Rhino needs regarding the joints is to allow mating of primitives such as spheres, cylinders and flat surfaces, along with some user-set limitation for the angle, direction and range of movement. Nothing special, just the very basic tools to let people test the basic motion of their 3d doors, windows, hinges, suspension, propelers etc. Solidworks does that in a very user-friendly way with mouse dragging. Years ago there was a plug-in for Rhino called Driving dimensions that felt like a very limited yet cumbersome version of what Solidworks was capable of.