Jeff you are a star. MANY THANKS…exactly what I wanted, Glad someone like you is out there.
I spent 10hrs fighting with this including Standard Cplane and rotate and Plan commands !
The eureka moment in that was use of the box, what a great way. EVERYONE WISHING TO CREATE CPLANE CUSTOM SHOULD HAVE SUCH. That box represents my view of the situation as a transparent griddded cube in which I need the aircraft wing to be with its brown planar work rectangle (which represents a constructional plan of the wing one might say), sitting on the floor of that box as if half a plastic kit wing ! I have twice tried following Pascal, setting properties>modelling aids to Standard, then clicking ABC in perspective and copying to other views, pulling hair out trying to figure out what rotation to give, especially with odd angles visible. Trying to work out what rotate axis to use by studying the XYZ indicator lower left, struggling with + or - degrees.
I did it with the box method in a minute or so.
The video is also exactly what was wanted, a picture speaks a thousand words. Wish McNeels used screen capture, what a vast difference it makes.
I use Snagit but the avi file is 155mb for 10 mins, and its tricky to reduce it down. What prog did you use ?
The first eureka moment…critical in fact…you show me its not ABC but AB and reciprocal of AC ( I hadnt twigged that Y axis went away from me, of course it does, just study a default scene…silly me !). That wasnt pointed out until you did this.
Then you extrude the rectangle to give a box to use on 3 point tool on…eurkea moment #2
I fully understand the three clicks on the end of the box for LEFT view. AC is X axis, I always see the next click as Y axis but the XYZ icon in fact shows vertical as Z, as it does for RIGHT view. I must not think of it as Y as that Z indication will confuse me.
One thing though, I went to BACK view and found that despite FRONT view using CPlane_Front, BACK view wasnt a rear view of Front view, I used the box in perspective view to select base corners of rear of box (left to right) box then top left corner, saved it as CPlaneBack. went to back view and selected CPlaneBack then typed Plan and bingo I got the view.
I then went to FRONT and that had LOST ITS CPLANE VIEW, so I had to choose CPlaneFront yet again and type Plan !
Everytime I open a different view I cansee I shall have to do this little routine. That seems stupid and we need an option to flit between views without having to choose the Cplane last used.
Is there a method that allows viewport toggling without such hassle ?
For the moment I now havew this down to minutes and not many times more trying to set up CPplanes.
Indebted to you.