I so wish to learn all about them, and I need to see this in videos, I am someone who sees things pictorially in my head, I remember things pictorially. Apparently there are such brains as there are left and right handed people. The video that Jeff_hammond created in Why does Cplane 3 point not see origin same in top as for perspective? for me is an absolute godsend. More like that on why when I move 0,0 in a custom Cplane a few feet the view I had goes backwards or upside down etc, would be useful as well as how to restore the view. In his follow up he mentions one can save a view, thats sounds promising. A series of tutorials on Cplane would provide all this. Reading text though doesnt always do it for me. The weird things that happen and how to sort them out is a visual fix need.
Even if world 0,0 is still there, I cannot work on my subject if its now sitting at some obscure angle to me.
I wish McNeel just had a bit more in the way of videos on this.