Am I the first to ever want to reset the Cplane ?
I can see absolutely nothjing on the www on this. The Rhino doc doesnt say what the default is, if its standard or otherwise. An hour gone trying to find an answer. I dread Cplane altering as they never revert to my saved ones.
Was V4 buggy on Cplanes as I forever get issues.
I wish to get my file back to the default Cplane. Bacl to where I had the origin and with the aircraft sitting on the cplane, not with it slicing up through the middle as the revert gave me !
Is V4 a synchonised Cplane and how can I revert back to how Rhino normally is ?
I had a file and saved the cplane as before alteration, then created a cplane indicating three axis, it became what I wanted, so far so good, saved that as well, then went view cplane and chose the âbeforeAlterationâ and it reverted.
Copy pasted that item into my important file after opening another instance of rhinoV4 and I didnt notice immediately as i was busy naming layers, did a save, but then I noticed it altered the cplane âŚhells bells !
I went undo multiple and undid right back to and including the paste which was the whole lot in fact, yet it didnt undo the cplane. Hoping by removing the paste it had lost the altered cplane I saved it and closed it, opening it again its still messed up.
I choose a previous named cplane, the default one and the cplane for the perspective view goes vertical through my aircraft, aircraft should be sitting on the grid.
Every time I use rhino and venture into cplanes I get this, unable to switch between cplanes.
I want to revert this to the default cplane I had.
I choose world top not knowing if thats is the default and get a cplane that looks promising but the origin is not where I had it.