How can I revert to default Cplane


Am I the first to ever want to reset the Cplane ?

I can see absolutely nothjing on the www on this. The Rhino doc doesnt say what the default is, if its standard or otherwise. An hour gone trying to find an answer. I dread Cplane altering as they never revert to my saved ones.

Was V4 buggy on Cplanes as I forever get issues.

I wish to get my file back to the default Cplane. Bacl to where I had the origin and with the aircraft sitting on the cplane, not with it slicing up through the middle as the revert gave me !

Is V4 a synchonised Cplane and how can I revert back to how Rhino normally is ?

I had a file and saved the cplane as before alteration, then created a cplane indicating three axis, it became what I wanted, so far so good, saved that as well, then went view cplane and chose the ‘beforeAlteration’ and it reverted.

Copy pasted that item into my important file after opening another instance of rhinoV4 and I didnt notice immediately as i was busy naming layers, did a save, but then I noticed it altered the cplane …hells bells !

I went undo multiple and undid right back to and including the paste which was the whole lot in fact, yet it didnt undo the cplane. Hoping by removing the paste it had lost the altered cplane I saved it and closed it, opening it again its still messed up.

I choose a previous named cplane, the default one and the cplane for the perspective view goes vertical through my aircraft, aircraft should be sitting on the grid.

Every time I use rhino and venture into cplanes I get this, unable to switch between cplanes.

I want to revert this to the default cplane I had.

I choose world top not knowing if thats is the default and get a cplane that looks promising but the origin is not where I had it.


Hi Steve,

all you need is in the toolbar below:

by default, the top and perspective viewport uses the top CPlane, the front uses front, right uses right etc. You cannot undo CPlane commands using Undo, instead use the previous CPlane icon in the upper right. Every view is able to use it`s individual CPlane. To revert everything use the command _4View two times.

Does this help ?



Hi, I used that Cplane with black arrow and nothing happened, I had to select world top to stop the cplane slicing vertically up through my aircraft centreline and reset my origin to where I had it. Toggling between the two saved Cplanes in the last but one segment in the view>set Cplanes option should switch between them but nothing happened. (in V4)

maybe V5 is better here, as I always have had issues in V4 on Cplanes, they scare the pants off me due to that.


Maybe both saved C-Planes were the same? That would also explain why reverting to previous didn’t appear to do anything.

Nothing essential has changed in the CPlane area for V5. The only way not to be scared of CPlanes is to learn how to use them.

They can’t:

  • Cause your Rhino to crash, corrupt the file or lose data.
  • Alter any geometry existing in the file already
  • Change the “global” world origin or axis orientation.

They can:

  • Allow you to create geometry easily where you need it, even if it’s
    off the principal axis planes
  • Allow you to change the “local” origin and axis orientation
  • Allow you to have any number of easily accessible construction axis
    orientations (named CPlanes)

However, you need to be aware that setting CPlanes also implies a certain awareness and responsibility, you need to know when and where they are active, otherwise you might end up creating geometry in the wrong place.


I would like to find a really good step by step follow along, exercises to load onto PC, tutorial.
To have someone do a video of how to get my airplane wing’s central planar sheet/axis down onto the Cplane was invaluable, it cant be done with words. Tuition is everything. I have spent over the years a total of probably 100 hrs or more messing about to understand them and got absolutely nowhere. One video and use of a block and two eureka moments and a lot was understood.

Definitely one for a classroom and a 1:1, all I can do is record video of screen and send to McNeel, as the forum probably doesnt support video, though the youtube was clever, I wouldnt want my ‘attempts’ on you tube though.

I need to see videos of how its done. I bet I am not alone.

I just want a load of exercises to follow with the screen talking me through it to start with.

I dont understand how altering 0,0 causes the Cplane to totally change for example. especially when you cant undo te change, totally scary.

I wonder what other CAD progs are like,


I don’t think there really is anything to be scared about with CPlanes. It is analogues to taking the tape off your drawing and rotating and moving the sheet around so your parallel rule now aligns with some funky angled detail you need to draw (if you’ve ever drawn by hand :wink: ). All the other information is still on the page, it hasn’t moved, and it won’t move relative to the world.

When you are altering 0,0 as you say, you are setting a CPlane. You have not changed world 0,0,0 (you can’t). You can test this by setting a new CPlane, then draw a line from 0 (this will be from the current CPlane’s 0), then draw a line from w0 (this will be from the world 0). No matter where you move that CPlane about, world 0 will always be the same.

You may also want to try using NamedCPlane. This will let you save custom CPlanes you have set, so you don’t have to use the CPlane → previous / next, which I always forget what my previous CPlane was anyway. If you want to get back to the world (default) CPlane, you can use the toolbar suggested (use the ones with the fat white arrow), or via the CPlane command, using the world option, or using the 4view command.

It is also helpful to know there are two modes you can work in when working with CPlanes, universal and standard. Standard will change the CPlane only in the current viewport. Universal will update the CPlanes in all the viewports so they reflect the change you made in one. Personally I find Universal CPlanes more useful.


Absolutely right! +5

I so wish to learn all about them, and I need to see this in videos, I am someone who sees things pictorially in my head, I remember things pictorially. Apparently there are such brains as there are left and right handed people. The video that Jeff_hammond created in Why does Cplane 3 point not see origin same in top as for perspective? for me is an absolute godsend. More like that on why when I move 0,0 in a custom Cplane a few feet the view I had goes backwards or upside down etc, would be useful as well as how to restore the view. In his follow up he mentions one can save a view, thats sounds promising. A series of tutorials on Cplane would provide all this. Reading text though doesnt always do it for me. The weird things that happen and how to sort them out is a visual fix need.

Even if world 0,0 is still there, I cannot work on my subject if its now sitting at some obscure angle to me.

I wish McNeel just had a bit more in the way of videos on this.


If you’re a member of, I recorded a chapter on construction planes. Check it out and feel free to make suggestions on how it can be better. I am also in the process of creating new material for another course and the C-plane might make a great topic.
–>not free / need to be a member

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See if helps you out. The Lynda videos are probably much more in depth though. I captured it on a large screen, so it might runneth over, but if you full screen it, it should resize. One thing I forgot to mention is that the Z axis direction is determined by your X and Y directions in a right handed fashion:

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Schultzeworks, unfortunately I am not a subscriber to Linda and can’t afford to do so. I would like to see what is there but guess I cant then.

many thanks for taking 5 mins …and also bringing to my attention Techsmith Jing. I use their Snagit, but this, if 5 mins is the limit has potential, nothing stopping a 10 min being done in two parts !
What a lovely crisp video, bigger than my 1920x1080 screen, thats a big screen you have ! It took ages to come down the lines but worth the wait. Had to nudge the progress bar to get it running part way through. No doubt it can be saved smaller maybe. I am suggesting to Pascal that McNeel use Jing for some replies as it is a massive difference to text explaining something like this. Storable in a tips and tricks library foru us to learn from. Sales are often influenced by the aftermarket support and ease of learning.
Interestingly you used Universal in Properties>modelling aids …and one setting did all views.My experience in being told what to do so far started out with being told to use Universal then it went to Standard from two sources including Pascal then I see you use Universal.
Not sure what I should be using now :slight_smile: You were able to alter 0,0 and it changed in all views, I currently am finding it doesnt update in all views with Standard. Looks like Universal is the way then but with Pascal and others saying use Standard after my problems with Universal I am back to being very unsure again now, given what wierd things happened.


I could do with you trying this out however on my test aircraft, as that is something that if I see it give me my top of aircraft, port side of aircraft and front of aircraft views (best not use term plane !!!) with the brown planar sheet not showing in side and front, I shall know this is it. It will also allow me to fully understand just what is needed for my subject, (others with aircraft wing Cplane requirements will also benefit) knowing it will work for my subject is everything. The dreamed about solution that actually works. Shaded views also required for each window please as I can’t tell if its front or back top or bottom etc otherwise. That achieved, move the origin about and see views stay the same, no vanishing gridlines and with all viewports updating to its new location. This is potentially the end of many years of trying and failing. The advent of videos. You cannot believe the relief this will give.

Three clicks does all/one origin click does all…is it possible on my aircraft ? seeing is believing :slight_smile:

Hope you can help.


With your aircraft:


Good news. I scored you a free 7-day trial at (and anyone else can use the link as well.)

After you set up the account, you can watch any of the courses, including my two on Rhino. If you decide to stick around, a full membership is only $25 per month. free for 7 days / all 2,400 courses

this is a bit of an old conversation but I have had the same problem and I think I found a rudimental simple solution to go around it.

When you copy and paste objects from one rhino file to an other they always sit in the same spot (which is wonderful).

this means that if you open a brand new file, draw a pointer (an arrow, a line, anything) to 0,0,0 in the new file, that will be pointing at the original cplanes.

copy that object in your current working file and it will tell you where the cplanes were at the beginning, you can reset them to that.

(Obviously if anybody has a better one-click solution that would be better)

Hello - a line starting at a typed coordinate W0,0,0 will also show you where the world origin is, but you can always reset the cplanes to the world with the CPlane command

CPlane World Top for example.



so simple so effective, thank you!