Which button disables the osnap menu?

This is driving me nuts. The selection filter gets every now and then disabled and I have no clue how come. I’m assuming I’m accidentally pressing a key (combination) but I haven’t found out what that is. Does anybody know what it could be or where to turn it off?

Any chance you have assigned:
to a keyboard command Alias and are triggering it accidently?
The command acts as a toggle.

Hmm… No I just went over my aliases and it’s not assigned. Unless it’s somewhere hidden in one of the python scripts I’m running but that would be odd since I don’t even know how to enable or disable the selectionfilter from Python. Is it possible to disable the selection filter from Python?

Oh I see I made a mistake here. I’m not talking about the selection filter. I’m talking about the snap filter thingy. What should I look for in that case @John_Brock?


Yes! I have it docked in my window. And somehow it disables itself sometimes. This is fairly recent (few weeks, maybe months). Today I’ve had it maybe 8 times.

I feel like this is going to be one of those things I’m gonna facepalm myself for.

Well, there is the Osnap command with lots of command line options, as well as the DisableOsnap command.
See if you have something in the Options > Keyboard tools that might be too easy to trigger accidentally.

I have a _Snap command linked to F9 but that’s just for turning of snapping to the grid, right?

Uff. I wish there was somebody that could watch that osnap window while I’m working and warn me when it switches to disabled so I have an actual clue when it happens.

What SR are you running? We had this disappear constantly in early releases of Rhino 6. I haven’t heard any complaints lately. (Running SR6).

The visual clue is when disabled, you will not see an Osnap tool tip when you should be seeing one.
Also, pressing and holding Alt will temporarily suspend Osnaps.

I’m running Version 6 SR6
(6.6.18177.16151, 26/06/2018)

@John_Brock I’m aware of the Alt-disabling but that’s not what’s happening. I’m doing some modeling and all of a sudden I cannot snap to anything. I look at the Osnap toolbar and see this:

I never disable Osnap, in the cases I need to have it disabled I use the Alt-key.

Thanks for the replies so far.

You can scroll back through the command history (F2). If it very recently was disabled, you might find it in the list and perhaps that would be a good clue as to what’s doing it.
It’s possible it could be getting turned off in a script/macro/plug-in. If you routinely tap Escape to exit a command, that might not give the tool a chance to clean up after itself.
Clearly I’m guessing here.

I do have quite some scripts and macro’s linked to aliases.

I’ll try to pay attention more often and scroll back when it happens and see if I can find something. Thanks for the tip.

I’ve just seen it happen!! I’ve had it 3 or 4 times today and now I was trying to pay more attention and it didn’t happen from me pressing a button. It actually happened when I start the curveboolean command from an alias which I srt up to “CB”. I’ll upload a video showing it happens.

Hello - what is that macro, exactly?


It’s just a shortcut I made:

See here:

Wait a minute. This actually seems to be normal behaviour, that it turns off during the curveboolean command (this makes sense, so your mouse doesn’t go in wrong places). But when I press Esc to go out of the command it stays disabled. That’s it! Can you recreate that?

I can reproduce CurveBoolean turning off OSnaps…
Hm - but it turns them on again at the end, here at least - I say that is likely a feature that I forgot about or never noticed.
Here it does correctly revert on Esc.


I think it’s ok that it turns off during the command. In case you do execute the command it switches back on which is good. But when you press the Esc button it should also switch back on which it doesn’t now. At least here.
Edit: It doesn’t seem to happen in every occasion. Sometimes it does switch back on after the Esc button, sometimes it doesn’t.
Edit2: I’m making another video showing the randomly not switching back on.

Ok. Here’s me trying a few times with the geometry where I saw it happen before. It takes a few attempts before it happens but I keep repeating the same procedures and not executing the command but just pressing Esc out of the command. After a few times it doesn’t switch back.