@pascal Has this been logged? It’s pretty annoying…
Hi Siemen - So far, I cannot reproduce it…
Right. Is there anything you think I can do to try and fix it?
I’m afraid I don’t - I’ve tried this in various combinations and repetitions and I cannot do anything that makes it so the osnaps are not restored when I am done. Since it is only this one command it’s hard to try to pin it on hardware…
Uff. I’ve been trying it out myself again and now I cannot reproduce it either.
This is still happening. Is there really nobody else having this besides me? I use curveboolean quite a lot of times and it’s quite frustrating when osnap just turns off for no reason.
Still happens here, also using a “cb” alias. Happens when completing the command, though.
Aha! It’s great to hear I’m not the only one having this issue. Yes I’ve noticed it happens when completing the command as well!
I just finished a rather intense drafting session and had osnaps disabling an me multiple times. I never use curveboolean though BUT: I used ‘hatch’ with boundary=yes a lot which has the same graphical interface as curve boolean which makes me suspicious
When I run CurveBoolean, window select a bunch of curves, when I press Enter to finish selection and get the Click inside regions to keep prompt, my Osnaps are disabled.
When I finish the command or escape out, the Disabled Osnap tool is cleared.
I’ve been banging on it for a while and can’t get the Disabled to stick and not clear.
Maybe summa yous can come up with a command pattern that leaves it turned on?
Have a look at my last video. I can manage to reproduce this if i make a new file and just draw similar geometry. Sometimes it takes a lot of tries, sometimes it happens very fast. I just recorded my screen and it took me 3 minutes of constantly using curve boolean and cancelling/completing until it happened the first time. Then after it happened and I stopped recording my screen it took me 10 seconds to reproduce it. Then I started recording again and here you can see it happen multiple times in 1,5 minute:
Hi guys. Since this is still happening on the latest build (6.11.18348.17061) I came to have a look here if there’s any progress. I see Lowell has been trying to reproduce this without success. That’s sad to hear but unfortunately I also cannot point in a more precise direction as to why or when this happens.
Do you guys mind if I keep bumping this topic when it happens here after I install a new release?
Hello - can you please copy paste the command history (f2) from a session like in your clip where you see this happen repeatedly?
Sure. I’ll try to remember to copy the command history next time it happens.
Here’s the command history from when I create a new file and do the same thing as in the video above.
190117 Command history Curve Boolean New file.txt (3.0 KB)
And here are some command history files where it happened after the last curve boolean while I was working on a project.
190117 Command history Curve Boolean.txt (4.0 KB)
190116 Command history Curve Boolean.txt (8.6 KB)
190116 Command history Curve Boolean 2.txt (23.0 KB)
The only thing that I see so far, probably not relevant, but just in case: You load a Python script… what happens if you skip that?
Yeah it automatically loads when I startup to import rhinoscriptcontext. I just tried turning it off and restart rhino and try it again and it still happens.
Here’s the command history.
190117 Command history Curve Boolean New file no python.txt (5.7 KB)
OK, thanks - that would have been too easy I guess.
Are you still able to reproduce this?
I’ve not heard about this for some time, and was never able to reproduce it myself.