Purchasing or upgrading Rhino 8 gives you access to older version (if the upgrade was gapped), so previous particular functionality is still available.
People use Rhino for all sorts of workflows, many which gain value from Rhino 8’s new features. Rhino - New in Rhino 8
The move to .NetCore certainly breaks things, this is going on across the industry (Revit 2025 being the next to roll out)
UI rebuild has been bumpy but improving and moves things forward.
Cycles change has gone well and opens things up for the next step
ScriptEditor is going to be a powerhouse, Ehsan took on an incredibly complex project and i’m not sure anyone else would or could do it.
A mistake noted was not to release near a major apple OS release, the initial printing woes were due to some breaking changes introduced late.
Rhino 8 brings a lot to the table and is poised to carry much more than its weight, much like the legacy versions eventually did.
What prompted my post, some V8 issues, and now I am seeing more and more V8 users with issues not existing in V7 or 6 or 5.
such as these posts:-
I have yet to start with V8,
I need to just be able to do the basics, but some of these may be obstacles to use. I hope not to me.
if posters also link to their post here, we can see the picture better.
Seems you spend a lot of time on the forum reading the things people don’t like about Rhino8 and stressing about them. I read all the same stuff but have been using Rhino8 since it was released (actually before it was released). I’m able to see the whining in the context of what 8 does for me and find that I can do everything I used to do in 7 without any issues beyond exploring the new features, but my work is simple compared to many of the projects I have seen others describe.
Whilst I see others with these issues that worked in an earlier version, I trust McNeel will resolve them, just surprised in seeing these that have escaped the beta testing. I hope they will be fixed and not require V9 to fix them.
I aim to work with V8, I have purchased the upgrade, and I have installed it and all updates. Just need to set it up to open my ongoing BIG projects (V5 files) and see the dimensions same size as in V5, and be up and running.
Look fwd to using it on meshes and have it eat them for breakfast, be quick, slick and shrinkwrap and texture them.
Look fwd to realistic lighting in shaded mode, see insets and outsets with a bit of soft shadow.
show an oily steel item as oily steel, and a load of other advances.
Toolbar customization is really difficult in Rhino 8, especially if you try to import your settings from Rhino 7.
Drawing custom icons in the integrated paint program is a real pain (certain line thickness lead to bugs, too).
The tooltips are still a mess and appear in completely wrong ares not related to the position of the mouse pointer. Also, moving a floating toolbar may lead to an unwanted switching to the background program (if there is an open one). Some months ago I made a video about that in another topic. Other people also reported that particular bug.
Clicking on come icons feels stiff and not as responsive compared to Rhino 7 (maybe this issue is related to the one mentioned in #3 above). There is some tiny delay that I can feel.
Even more 3d connexion devices lost native support by Rhino 8 compared to Rhino 6. However, if you replace the Rhino 8’ plug-in with one taken from Rhino 6,3 or earlier, then the older 3d mice will work.
Certain custom display modes look different compared to the same display modes in Rhino 7. Maybe the lighting is different, I don’t know. Also, certain PREVIEW elements, such like curves, surfaces and control points are not rendered properly in display modes with real-time shadows. Or they look totally white and self-illuminating. I made a topic about that bug long time ago and it’s still not resolved in the latest Rhino 8 which I downloaded a few days ago. This is an extremely disturbing bug and I’m curious whether it will be fixed any time soon.
The actual 3d performance inside the viewport is sometimes worse than the performance in Rhino 7 (at least with my Nvidia GTX 1660 Ti), despite that various performance tests with rotating a 3d scene along the Z-axis show some framerate advantage with Rhino 8. However, note that in real usage conditions the user actually deals with objects selection, control point manipulation etc, i.e. actions that are totally different than rotating the camera around a vertical axis.
When I start Rhino 8, it always brings the pop-up panel of a free program called “Gadwin PrintScreen”. This is not an issue with Rhino 7. I also made a topic about that bug some months ago. Still not resolved.
Various GUI element have wrong settings and are difficult to read. For example, when I try the ! _FilletSrf tool, the numbers inside the slider are very difficult to read due to the low contrast of the font relative to the background colour of the slider.
The line thickness in Rhino 8 works in a totally different way compared to Rhino 7. This also forced me to make changes to my custom display modes to make them look closer to their counterparts in Rhino 7.
Not to mention that the testWireThicknessScale set at 1,5 units in Rhino 7 displays twice as thin wires compared to the same command set to 1 in Rhino 8. The wire thickness set to 1,5 units in Rhino 7 looks similar to wire thickness set to 0,5 in Rhino 8.
One bug with testWireThicknessScale in Rhino 7 is that it also affects the thickness of the grid, whereas it will not affect the grid lines in Rhino 8. I think that this hidden command works better in Rhino 8.
I’ve never seen a pop-up panel for “Gadwin PrintScreen” in V8 or anywhere else, and no one else has reported it on this forum. It does not appear to be general V8 bug.
It’s an existing and very annoying bug and I had it reported last year when Rhino 8 was still WIP and then BETA. I can also capture a video to show it in action.
Only for people who have this third-party accessory program installed - I had never even heard of it until you mentioned it in your post above. You might try asking them why their program is triggered when Rhino 8 starts.
Toolbar customization is really difficult in Rhino 8, especially if you try to import your settings from Rhino 7.
Please be more specific. There have been made many changes to fix stuff that was broken. As far as I know, importing a toolbar from Rhino 7 works. There is no way yet to auto convert the pixel icons to vector. Is that your issue, or are there other things that make importing difficult?
Drawing custom icons in the integrated paint program is a real pain (certain line thickness lead to bugs, too).
I agree the current one is quite useless. @CallumSykes is working on that
The tooltips are still a mess and appear in completely wrong ares not related to the position of the mouse pointer. Also, moving a floating toolbar may lead to an unwanted switching to the background program (if there is an open one). Some months ago I made a video about that in another topic. Other people also reported that particular bug.
We just fixed a bug that prevented triggering the right tooltip. The floating toolbar making Rhino go away was also fixed.
Clicking on come icons feels stiff and not as responsive compared to Rhino 7 (maybe this issue is related to the one mentioned in #3 above). There is some tiny delay that I can feel.
Some, as in which?
Various GUI element have wrong settings and are difficult to read. For example, when I try the ! _FilletSrf tool, the numbers inside the slider are very difficult to read due to the low contrast of the font relative to the background colour of the slider.
Which means that Rhino 8 does something wrong, because starting it up directly affects another program.
Not to mention that moving floating toolbars in Rhino 8 cause unwanted switching to background programs quite often. something is wrong with Rhino 8. It’s not the other programs, nor Windows.
I see that the default colours rely on a light grey font for the number inside the slider. This is what causes issues with readability as soon as the white background is changed to a light grey colour. I recommend to use black or dark grey font inside the slider.
The light grey 0 and 10 numbers above the slider (RGB 154, 155, 156) are also difficult to read, because they are on a slightly darker but still light grey background (RGB 233, 235, 239).
It was one of the reasons why I stopped testing Rhino 8 couple of months ago. I will try now.
EDIT: For the moment I can’t replicate that particular bug in the latest Rhino 8 evaluation. However, several of the other visual bugs still remain. I captured a short video that reveal them immediately:
Probably all icons. There is a small lag upon clicking on any icon. At least on my machine and with my setting to show cursor tooltips next to the mouse pointer.
Also, many of the icons don’t evoke their respective tooltips. Looks like the tooltips get stuck for some weird reason and won’t update as soon as I hover the mouse pointer over the nearby icons. You can also observe that bug in my videos above. Even if they appear in time, some of them are positioned too far from the logical location where the user expects to see them. I reported that last year.
The only thing I can repeat from your video is the tooltips thing - and yes, they are a mess and have been since the WIP.
I can’t repeat the Gadwin Print Screen problem because I don’t have it on my computer and I am not interested in installing some unknown program from some unknown creator which might contain malware or virii.
I am not able to reproduce the docking issue where the small blue squares show up in the wrong locations when you try to dock the Surface Fillets toolbar.
For the one where you try to dock the Surface Creation toolbar, you do know that in order to dock stuff you have to bring the mouse cursor to one of the small blue squares in order to dock it, right? For that one at least, from your video, the docking locations show up in the correct places from what I can see, you just haven’t pulled the toolbar to one of the squares in order for the larger blue rectangle to show up and let it dock.
@Rhino_Bulgaria thanks,
The tooltip bug is fixed in 8.8 ( RH-81445 Tooltip doesn’t refresh)
And the other I’ve put on the list for some time, I’ll try to increase priority for that RH-78266 Tooltips align to the left
the docking squares issue I cannot repeat
The shading issue in FilletSrf needs indeed attention.
The disappearing curve seems a bug in your display mode, I cannot repeat that in any of the standard display modes. Perhaps you do something with curves in that mode. If you send the display mode I will have a look.