What do you expect to see in V7 before it’s ship-ready?

  • Native Dark Mode support in Windows 10.
  • Robustness of what little history there is in Rhino (another example here).
  • Proper object hierarchy panel so working with what Rhino weirdly calls “Blocks” is actually feasible (since 100% of all CAD software with assembly support works well with this, including Alias, but in Rhino it’s a nightmare).
  • Edit support added from the FilletEdge command to the FilletSrf command (and ideally same with Blends… additionally tension from BlendCrv would be nice to get in BlendSrf… basically, parity between all blend and fillet commands).

Ok, I’ll stop now, because from what I read in this forum, I honestly don’t expect to see anything of what I wrote in V7 (or even V8 for that matter). Maybe if they double the price of the software? :slight_smile: