The Problems with Level States

Hi. A new feature in VA 3, Level States has some problem. It only configures On & Off. It does not configure Elevation, Height, Cut Plane Level, and Top Offset.

Hi @Steven_Kim that’s correct. The Level States has been developed to only save the on/off status of levels, but it doesn’t keep the cut plane or top/bottom offset values. We can consider this option for future versions.

@Steven_Kim just a question. Are you sure you want the Elevation be saved in the Level States?

Hi. Francesc. I tried using the Level States feature to switch the cut plane level between the floor plan and ceiling plan, as you otherwise have to change the cut plane value manually every time you switch between them.

Hi Steve, why don’t you use a sub-level instead? it will let you have a new CPlane on the desired elevation, and sub-levels have their own Cut plane.

Hi. I could not get correct a result for RCP by using sub-level.
This is correct result for RCP. Elevation : 2,3 m, Cut Plane : 0

However, If I use 0 m for Elevation and 2.3m for Cut Plane, I got a wrong result.

When I use sub-level for RCP, none of the configuration did not get me a correct 2D representation.

Test.3dm (11.7 MB)

Did I miss something?


Hi Steve, indeed, there is something now working properly with RCP on sub-levels. We will revise these issues and get back to you when we fix them.