Surface edges & curves disappearing

I have come across this too and I have found the same issue. I have attached a couple pics to show what is happening with my models. This will happen with any model I use not just a specific one. This does not always show up but it only happens once in a while. Usually it happens when my NVIDIA graphics card needs updating or I have imported a model that I converted from another 3D program.

The issue I found is using clipping planes. If I use “front” or “top” I dont have any problems. The problem comes when you use the clipping plane in the “perspective” view so it clips my model while in the “perspective” view. When I use the clipping plane in the “perspective” view then I get what is shown in the top image. Then all my clipping planes are affected by this. So if you experience this then you have to delete ALL clipping planes then the model displays correctly like in the bottom attached image. I am running Rhino 5 on a windows computer. I hope this helps.

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