ShapeDiver - Sometimes geometry doesn't show up


Similar to this post , I’m having trouble with ShapeDiver not consistently displaying geometry I am uploading. However, I do subscribe to the Designer account, so it should work with Rhino 7.

Here and here and here and here are different examples with similar Grasshopper files that I’ve been messing with to get everything I need to appear.

Any ideas?

Here is my latest file, sorry that it’s kinda jumbly.
Hangar 18 - most internalized with (328.1 KB)

I am expecting it to look like this when all the toggles are toggled on. - It should have color coded walls that change depending on the “Category” dropdown menu, Angle numbers on those walls, the floorplan and column, and the ‘Pad’.

Unfortunately I might need to give up on trying to get my company to shift to using ShapeDiver since things like this are being unreliable, and I’ve spent more time than I’m allotted trying to get it to work. Sorry! But my last effort can be this forum post!

Your account allows you to switch to Rhino 7 but you did not do it yet, all those models are uploaded to the Rhino 6 system. Please go to the “Backend” section of your account settings and pick the Rhino 7 system there. All models uploaded afterwards will be run on Rhino 7.

We will soon make it more obvious to do this step by sending a warning when uploading Rhino 7 models to the Rhino 6 system.

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sweet! thanks for getting back to me quickly - just updated those settings in my account, but it looks like the same issues are happening!

Specifically for that link, the angles, building, and Pads toggles don’t display those geometries

Hi Johanna, did you reupload the model after changing the settings?


if its helpful, I made the “info” section of each one of these links say what isn’t showing up and if it was uploaded after the Rhino 7 backend setting changed.

When I open your definition in Grasshopper, I get a warning message and three of the internalized geometry inputs are empty:

This is likely what happens also on the servers. Can you describe what type of geometry you are internalizing there? Can you maybe also try to mesh all this geometry and internalize the meshes instead?

Can you also let me know which version of the ShapeDiver plugin you are using?

yeah thank you - sorry if this was on your instructions somewhere already - I’ll try it today!

I am using v1.11.0 - I’ll update to 1.13.1 right now!

Here is the one uploaded with meshes with 1.11

Here is the one uploaded with meshes with 1.13

it’s still not showing up unfortunately

In the example created with the 1.13.1 version, I still get empty internalized geometry when I open the definition, and it seems that this problem is not linked to ShapeDiver. Could you save a gain the definition as .ghx and post it here? And could you tell me more about your process for internalizing this geometry? Is it done in the traditional way (select objects from the Rhino document and right-click > internalize) or do you use some external tools to do so?

Hey! Yeah sure let me put that together for ya, thanks so much for the attentive help ! <3

Yeah I was planning on having my coworkers use the Reference By Layer node from Elefront 4.2.2 (but I totally can update Elefront), so the geometry comes from that

and that Object Attributes object is from Human.

But I can instead make my coworkers internalize the geometry the traditional way, if need be!

Hangar 18 - Concept Model 032923 (269.6 KB) (5.9 MB)

I meant to save the definition as .ghx (instead of .gh) so we can easily check if something is wrong with it. But as you mentioned Elefront, we do not support this plugin, and it is likely that this way of internalizing geometry is creating problems on our servers. Please test by internalizing geometry the usual way and let me know if this solves the issue.


This is internalized without using Elefront. However, my new theory is that it’s taking issue since the Rhino geometry that I am manually internalizing, was previously edited by Elefront in a different Grasshopper file.

I need some plugin or to write a python script to rename the Object names of the Rhino Geometry before making this ShapeDiver Grasshopper File - I can look into doing so with one of your supported third-party plugins? if one of them has a node to rename objects?
CM Test just internalized wall geometry new (7.0 KB)
CM Test just internalized wall geometry.ghx (53.9 KB)

I reviewed this file in a text editor, it has no internalized geometry. It references objects from a Rhino document.

What happens if you do this:

  • Close Rhino
  • Start Rhino
  • Do not open any Rhino document
  • Start Grasshopper
  • Open this Grasshopper model

Most likely you will see this:

Is my assumption correct?

omg what a dumb mistake on my end, I’ll try to upload it with it actually internalised. thanks for figuring that out for me

Ok that was definitely it, sorry for bothering y’all with such a small human error!
Here it is, if I can finish it up in time, I’ll let you know what our client thinks of it!
