Serious problem with files sent by e-mail / Office 365 Outlook


Do you have a working copy of that same file? It would be interesting to see how they differ using a file comparison utility.


Yes I do. What file comparison utility do you suggest?

The funny thing is that even the corrupted file works fine if I send it to someone else via e-mail.

You can use the windows (nee DOS) command fc at the command prompt. For something more browsable you could download a trial of Ultracompare at

No point in using anything cloud-based or sending the files to third parties if that just fixes the problem!


All files (3dm) that my students or clients are sending by e-mail I am getting the same problem.
I am using windows 10 PRO, and microsoft office (outlook).
It looks this is a bug. I got crazy until Daniel Wunsch send me a message this morning
all the best

Affonso Orciuoli

Yep, unfortunately anyone who has an updated version of Outlook will have the same problem. I have a feeling this is going to snowball a bit until MS can fix the problem.

Did you try with zip or rar files? tks

No I didn’t, my main focus was to fix the problem, I didn’t have time to experiment with every possibility. People send me .3dm files unzipped all the time, I can’t get everyone to zip them - even if it works, it’s not a solution, just a workaround.

I did a test, and if is a ZIP file, it works.
At least, is something


@Helvetosaur and @orciuoli can I get some clarification here?

  1. Do you save an attachment in your email to something like your downloads folder and then open the file in Rhino?
  2. Do you drag and drop the attachment from Outlook on to Rhino to open the file?


Drag from Outlook to desktop, then either drag from desktop into Rhino window or use Open from inside Rhino.

As I said before, I still have a file or two saved here with the problem, however it seems that sending the file anywhere seems to magically fix it.

Provided zipping & unzipping does not also magically fix it (sorry if you have addressed this, I do not see it scanning again thru the thread), that might be one way to get it to a developer.

drag and drop to desktop

It does actually… it seems like more or less anything that can be used to send the file to someone fixes it.


This is kind of off the wall, but is the file dragged to the desktop the actual file or a file containing the path to the actual file? I’ve seen someone write that dragging from Outlook 365 gives you the latter…


Yes, it’s the actual file. I can also copy it to different places on the computer, still causes the problem.

Kind of extreme, but have you tried copying it to a USB stick or SD card and checking whether it has the issue? If so you could snail mail it to Seattle.

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Yeah, this is one of the strangest reports I think I’ve ever heard. If I had to bet money, it would have been that there was some process monitoring & messing with files arriving to the machine this way, marking them and interfering when they were accessed. But from the description, and the file still misbehaving after rolling back the outlook version, I guess that is not the case. Super strange.