I’m running into a problem with a file I saved to Dropbox and now that I download it to my computer is not opening showing “/Users/almuesponda/Dropbox/Fall 2019/Tech/Tech.3dm is not a Rhino file.”
I tried Rescue3dmFile and Audit3dm without success. Is there anyway someone can help me recover the file?
Hello - it is not a Rhino file and not anything that looks like it once was,from what I see - at a gues I’d say it is maybe some kind of DropBox place holder…?
What makes you think it was never a Rhino file? I’m trying to understand why is it not opening if it is a .3dm
I don’t think it is a place holder, I uploaded a working version of the file and now that I downloaded it, it won’t open. I’m attaching pictures of how it looks for me.
I found a solution to this if anyone is still looking. Seems like the “startup” code was corrupted in my file. May not work for all:
Created a new file with a single line drawn and saved to desktop
Copied a backup of the corrupt file to desktop
Replaced .3dm with .txt on both files and opened in text editor
Copied first section of code from the “Good” file and pasted over the corrupted code of the “Bad” file. (I tried copying everything from the “C” in “crease angle” and above)
Save and close the text file
Replace .txt with .3dm and open
After a successful open, File>Export to a new .3dm with new file name