Rhino 8 Release Date Question

When is Rhino 8 expected to be released?
I hate to spend $995 on Rhino 7 and have Rhino 8 come out 1 or 2 months later.


No date. We still haven’t finalized the project list.
My guess is more than a year before it’s released.


I bet 2 or even more years :face_with_monocle:


I am also thinking of upgrading my Rhino 6 to 7 now. When can we expect the release of 8? in 2023 with 99% probability? If it comes within six months, I would like to wait.

Thanks for the reply in advance.


We are not planning on releasing Rhino 8 this year. There is still a lot of work to do.


I suggest going Rhino 7 then usually once Rhino 8 is released there is a 3 month period for promotional upgrade price (I don’t work for mcneel so I can’t promise that) but I recall I paid 350 for upgrading my Rhino License from v6 to V7.

You manage your own finances. And how much are you interested in developing your rhino skills.

If you start now, you will have 2 or more years of project experience once Rhino 8 is released. And for most of us. Time is more than money.


How’s 2023 looking? release Rh8 in the coming year?


I’m pretty sure no one from mcneel is committed to a date. For the sake of providing everyone with a solid reliable initial release.

But here is the post where you can get a general sense for the features being added and ironed out.


I hope you will be including a new ARCHITECTURAL tab in Rhino 8; with a draw on face tool and a press/pull tool to create SOLIDS similar to Trimble’s Sketchup software. Sketchup is the easiest software to use in the Architectural arena. A draw on face tool and a Push/Pull tool similar to Sketchup would appeal to a great many Sketchup users who would gladly switch to Rhino 8 if it had such a tab with those tools. Sketchup software is currently only available on a subscription plan and it doesn’t have the same capacity to create large complex models like Rhino. Sketchup crashes a lot. I know a lot of people who would rather buy a perpetual license if Rhino software was more user friendly like Trimble’s Sketchup software.


I hope you will be including a new ARCHITECTURAL tab in Rhino 8; with a draw on face tool and a press/pull tool to create SOLIDS similar to Trimble’s Sketchup software. Sketchup is the easiest software to use in the Architectural arena. A draw on face tool and a Push/Pull tool similar to Sketchup would appeal to a great many Sketchup users who would gladly switch to Rhino 8 if it had such a tab with those tools. Sketchup software is currently only available on a subscription plan and it doesn’t have the same capacity to create large complex models like Rhino. Sketchup crashes a lot. I know a lot of people who would rather buy a perpetual license if Rhino software was more user friendly like Trimble’s Sketchup software.


This makes no sense. It makes Sketchup sound like a toy of no concern to Rhino developers…and really it’s not, Rhino is over 25 years old, it has its market and Sketchup has theirs, no people are not going en masse abandon Sketchup(or any other product)if Rhino 8 only rips off feature X from it, that’s not how anything works.

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In fact, what he said is exactly what we architects need

As a user of both… the only thing Sketch up brings to the table is the flat learning curve. Most of my colleagues used it just because it is “Good enough” to do the work. I learned sketch up in 15 minutes and I learned rhino in 2 days. when it comes to functionality in Architecture. There is no comparison in user’s controls or capabilities. rhino is way superior in every aspect. And in my experience Both are easy to adapt. I think Rhino can make a use of the new “Workspaces” to include essential toolbar.

Hi, in the Rhino 8 WIP there is a new “Auto CPlane” button the status bar. This ties your CPlane to your selection.

Here’s an example:

Auto CPlane Example

For planar surfaces this should quickly allow you to put down a curve. Then using split, joining the two pieces, and gumball extrude you can get pretty close to Sketchups push pull.

Here’s some more information on the Auto CPlane.

If that isn’t quite what you’re looking for there is a test command I wrote called TestPushPull. It won’t show up in the auto complete as you type it since it’s hidden. This test command emulates SketchUps push pull.


Be aware, it is a test command so no guarantees!


That’s great!
Architects would love it!


@Joshua_Kennedy. This new TestPushPull command is great! I don’t use SketchUp, but this command will come in very handy. Maybe include an option checkbox to delete the input curves. Hope this command makes it into V8. I love it. :heart_eyes:


rhino has had this functionality since rhino 5

Are there any chance of releasing v8 this year? If not, I will be going for v7 at the moment.


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Sure there’s a chance… Ya pays ya money and ya takes ya chances…

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I feel really stuck. My 90 day trial runs out in five days. I’ve been learning/using it intensively during the trial and feel like I can’t live without Rhino and want to buy it. I am not making any money with it yet, and $1,000 is a lot for me. Regardless, I would be happy to buy it. But it seems that V8 could be arriving any time now, maybe within the next few months. Some of the new features would be nice. But if I wait, I won’t be able to use Rhino for maybe months. I don’t want to buy right at the end of the release cycle and be immediately out of date, especially with an application that gets updated only once every three or so years. Even with the slight discount on the upgrade when it is first released, it will still cost like $400, almost half the price of the software. If V8 comes in two months, it will be like paying $200/month to have Rhino until then. If I knew it would be only a few months, I would wait. If I knew it would be a year before V8 comes, I would just buy it now.

Anyone have any idea how likely it is that it will be released soon? Also, is it likely to have any new VSR feature replacement stuff, or improvements to tools like MatchSrf?

I guess I’ll just have to use Plasticity, which I have, for now. Some of the tools in Plasticity are actually a bit better than in Rhino, like fillets, but so, so many features Rhino has are not available in Plasticity.
