Rhino 6 documentation bugs

Changed as suggested, thanks.

I’ll give it a try. Thanks.

I added this description to the Perpendicular option.

“Enable the Planar mode to draw the line parallel to the current CPlane from a curve that does not lie on the CPlane.”

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The 2Cuves option makes the operation scriptable.

Mouse action is not scriptable.

Gumball documentation file is here: https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/commands/gumball.htm

It uses different names for the gumball origin:

Free move origin
The origin is the gumball center.
Rotate the object on the gumball center.
Drag the gumball origin to drag the whole object in any direction.
The GumballRelocate command moves the gumball widget origin and orientation on an object.

Use of MoveUVN with curves is not documented in the V6 Help. https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/commands/moveuvn.htm
(Lack of documentation also mentioned in Adjusting control points on wire frame)

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Knot documentation is here: http://docs.mcneel.com.s3.amazonaws.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/popup_moreinformation/knot.htm

Knot documentation is incomprehensible because it is devoid of drawings. I made simple drawing, shown below, which may be used to define knot. I drew the red curve first. Then I drew the green line between the control points. Finally, I drew the blue line. The blue line is perpendicular to the red curve and the green line. The knot is part of the red curve. It is defined as the intersection of the red curve with the blue line.

Are the knot values the same as their parameter values and parameters reported by EvaluateUVPt command? Is there a curve equivalent of the EvaluateUVPt command? (command which reports curve parameter at a point picked by Rhino user)


Edit points are documented in this file: https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/popup_moreinformation/editpoint.htm

It says: Edit points on a curve are displayed at knot averages… edit points… are not knots themselves.

What are these knot averages? The edit points are located in the same places as the knots.


Accurate modeling documentation file is here: http://docs.mcneel.com.s3.amazonaws.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/user_interface/accurate_modeling.htm

It says:
Example with angle and elevator mode
1. Start the Line command and place the first line point.
2. At the End of line… prompt, move the mouse to the location where the line should end, activate elevator (press Ctrl ), and type <30.
3. A line is drawn at 30 degree angle to the construction plane, ending on the elevator line.

This description is incomplete. You cannot type anything while you hold down the Ctrl key. You have to click left mouse button while holding down the Ctrl key, release the Ctrl key, and finally, type <30.

Continuity is documented here: Continuity descriptions | Rhino 3-D modeling
and here: GCon | Rhino 3-D modeling

I believe that these two files should be merged into one file and that drawings should be improved. Here is my compilation of drawings and text posted on the Internet:

SubCrv command has Direction option, but it seems that this option cannot reverse direction of the subcurve. Either the option does not work, or it is not explained well.

Object snaps documentation is here: https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/user_interface/object_snaps.htm

It says: Object snaps work on visible objects only. Objects that are obscured by other objects cannot be snapped to, except by the Mid object snap…
SnapToOccluded command allows object snaps to work on objects that are hidden behind other objects.

The first sentence is false - the Mid snap does not work on occluded objects when the SnapToOccluded is disabled. When the SnapToOccluded is enabled, all snaps work on occluded objects.

Panel options documentation is here: https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/user_interface/panel_options.htm

It says:
To make a tab stand alone
Click and drag the tab outside the panel window.
To move the tab to another panel container window
Click and drag the tab to a different panel window.

It should say:
To make a panel stand alone
Click and drag the tab outside the panel container window.
To move the panel to another panel container window
Click and drag the tab to a different panel container window.

I would be good idea to mention the panel container window in documentation of the Rhino window: https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/user_interface/rhino_window.htm

The Panel options documentation does not explain that behavior of floating panel depends on whether it is dragged by its handle or tab (shown below).

Looks like this is only true when a degree 3 curve that is uniform and has 5 control points. I’m not a mathematician. Some of the questions are out of my knowledge.

My understanding is no.

No, but the Dir command shows the parameter on the status bar when you snap to a knot. I added a note in the Dir command topic.


Corrected as below.


Topics will be updated when the next time I upload new files.

All corrected to use “gumball origin”.

I’ll have to check with our developer first.

Kinks are explained in this file: http://docs.mcneel.com.s3.amazonaws.com/rhino/6/help/en-us/popup_moreinformation/kink.htm

The file says: Kinks can also happen at a point where a curve dramatically changes its the amount it curves.
It should say: Kinks can also happen at a point where radius of curvature dramatically changes.

I changed it to “Kinks may also happen at the points where curvature dramatically changes.”


@KelvinC You have ignored my bug report about SubCrv command, Object snaps, and Panel options.

This is how it is improved.

I changed the description to…
By default, object snaps work on visible objects only. Objects that are obscured by other objects cannot be snapped.

The “Mid” should be “Between”, but I removed it anyway.

To make a tab stand alone is changed to
To make a panel stand alone

To move the tab to another panel container window is changed to
To move the tab to another panel window

“container” is removed to make the paragraphs less wordy.

What I added.

Thanks for reminding.

It does not work. Sub curve direction is always the same as direction of the original curve.

I would be good idea to mention the panel container window in documentation of the Rhino window: The Rhino window | Rhino 3-D modeling

The Panel options documentation does not explain that behavior of floating panel depends on whether it is dragged by its handle or tab (shown below).

I meant something else. When you drag the floating panel by its tab, back to the panel container window, the floating panel merges with other panels. When you drag the floating panel by its handle, back to the panel container window, the floating panel does not merge with other panels.

Toolbars also have handles and they behave the same way. They are described here: Using toolbars and buttons | Rhino 3-D modeling

Can you make a screen recording? I would like to see how you use the command and options. Thanks.

Sorry for the delay. The MoveUVN topic has been updated with some more information about how a curve/surface control point is moved. Thanks to @mikko’s explanation in RH-51244.

There are two kinds of toolbars. I call them outer toolbars and inner toolbars.

Some documentation files describe outer toolbars and inner toolbars in the same paragraph. It creates confusion because both toolbars are called toolbars.
Toolbar documentation is here: https://docs.mcneel.com/rhino/7/help/en-us/user_interface/using_toolbars.htm
It describes outer toolbars only.