Not a random plane. It is drawn in a plane parallel to the construction plane of the active viewport. The default Perspective viewport construction plane is aligned with the World XY axis.
Only planar curves have an associated “curve plane”. Non-planar curves do not have an associated “curve plane”.
A perpendicular line can only be drawn in the construction plane if the construction plane is normal to the curve. If the construction plane is not normal to the curve a perpendicular line can be drawn in a plane parallel to the construction plane. This is the current behavior.
This is what I meant. I did not try to be precise.
Certainly not!
Here is precise definition of the new feature:
If the curve is planar, and the Line>Perpendicular command is used without the FromFirstPoint option, and perspective viewport is active, the line is drawn in the curve plane.
If the curve is planar, and the Line>Perpendicular command is used without the FromFirstPoint option, and ortho viewport is active, the line is drawn in a plane parallel to the construction plane.
So you want the command to function differently with planar curves than with non-planar curves. The original description of your “new feature” did not say it was only for planar curves.
This discussion may be more appropriate in the primary Serengeti category.
This is good comment. We do not want to Byzantine rules because all good ideas are simple. Maybe the best way to handle this problem is to always draw the line in a plane parallel to the construction plane when the FromFirstPoint option is not used.
I would rather keep our half-baked ideas here. This whole thread (Rhino 6 documentation bugs) deserves new category: Documentation.
Not true if the curve is planar, but not parallel to the active CPlane.
I don’t think parallel and perspective views make difference.
If you draw a line perpendicular to a curve and then set the CPlane perpendicular to the curve at the start of the line, you will notice the line is always on that plane.
I agree. I was not describing actual behavior of Rhino, but desired behavior of Rhino. I described a problem and its solution.
The problem is that if the Line>Perpendicular command is used without the FromFirstPoint option, Rhino draws the line in a direction that is almost random. The line is perpendicular to the curve, but it is rotated about the curve by seemingly random angle. The following screenshot depicts red curve and 20 blue lines perpendicular to the curve at the same point. The problem is that nobody knows which line Rhino will draw.
My favorite solution is new Rhino feature: if the Line>Perpendicular command is used without the FromFirstPoint option, Rhino draws the line in a plane that is parallel to the construction plane.
The file says: F7 Grid > ShowGrid > ShowGridAxes
It should say: F7 Grid > ShowGrid
…because F7 toggles visibility of the entire grid, rather than its axes.
When I draw the perpendicular line in ortho viewport, the line is not parallel to the construction plane.
Yes, the planar mode works in all viewports, but novice Rhino users may not know that the planar mode is necessary to control direction of the perpendicular line.