Isometric triangulation a weird shape

Hey all! I am out of my comfort zone here, so maybe someone could help*: I have this tear-shaped horizontal “hole” in a building and I would like to fill with a triangulated mesh with triangles that are as homogenous as possible (i.e. I would like to avoid having very small elongated panels towards the “tail”.

Any tips on how I could go about it? Thanks a lot!

*also sorry for maybe using the wrong terminology

What have you tried so far?

Please use the search function, there are many topics on isotropic remeshing…

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didn’t find much since i didn’t know “isotropic” was the right term. thank you! I’ll see what i can find.

Try the TriRemesh component (under the mesh tab) - just plug your curve in and it generates a triangulation.

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3. Attach minimal versions of all the relevant files

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Thanks a lot!
Any idea what makes the density near the curve be higher or lower? Doesn’t seem to be the curve domain density, from what I tested.

The curve in the center is the one I actually need to use, the ones on the sides I just made by hand for testing purposes. I also attached a file with the curve, just in case.
Thanks again for the support!
curve triremesh.3dm (73.8 KB)
PS: all are done just connecting the curve in the TriReMesch component, without any other inputs.

Here’s what I get with your curve, setting the target edge length to 1000 (2.8 KB)

It looks in your images like you might be setting a much shorter edge length, but not allowing enough iterations for it to converge to a mesh of similar edge lengths.
It starts from the Rhino mesh, which is typically denser near the boundaries to capture the detail, and proceeds to modify it locally and iteratively.

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