"Oriented" Triangular Remesh Algorithm

Hi everyone!

Do you know how one could replicate the remeshing behaviour performed by “Remesh” generator in Cinema4d? See below:
it starts with a generic mesh and it re-generates it in a way that it seems the geometry has “directions” (such as isocurves), so that it creates this neat and “oriented” tessellation, very close to what you would get applying the Tri-B component of LunchBox to an untrimmed surface.

I’m quite familiar with Daniel Piker’s Isotropic remeshing; but it generates a non-consistent orientation of the triangles.

Thanks everyone for your thoughts and input in advance!

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That looks like it’s using Instant Meshes
from this classic 2015 paper

There’s a standalone program you can download there to perform this remeshing.
@dale also made a Grasshopper component from this


I believe you can find it in the PackageManager.




Whoa, so great of you guys!

@DanielPiker thank you very much for the precise and informed answer! Looking into the paper in the next days

@dale really Thank you for your great work and also for making it available! Curious about how you developed this, I might have some questions for you at some point :slight_smile:

@dale do you know if there’s a way to expose Orientation Field and Position Field tools and make them available as additional grasshopper component inputs?

Screenshot 2023-10-23 160004

My idea would be to pass lines/curves into them to help me better control/manipulate the field.

Thank you in advance for your help!

Hi @Andrea_Tellatin,

I don’t, sorry.

The InstantMeshes GH component just runs the command line version of InstantMeshes.exe. You might see what optiions are available.

InstantMeshes.exe -h

– Dale

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Thank you @dale !
I will check and will update here in case I manage to achieve something useful.