Icons get better

The icons are quite good now in 8.0.23254.00303.
One is not:

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I just logged this here.

hi @Charles thanks,

RH-76991 Two icons need tune-up in dark mode

looks like @marika_almgren and me were logging this simultaneously.

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Another one.
The vertical rectangle is black, the others are white.


Logged it here.

Some more:

Logged it here

@marika_almgren Marika, can you please tell what to do to make a black shape appear white in dark mode?

I tried to find out the difference between Circle_Circle_3_points.svg vs. Circle_Circle_tangent_to_3_curves.svg.
I didn’t find a different color in the circular shapes, so it must be another trick.

In Rhino 8 there’s different svg files for dark mode and for light mode.
The dark mode icons for those two have been generated with an automatic system, that all dark mode icons went trough. That’s why the result might differ, the code interpreted those shapes differently.
Some dark mode icons didn’t turn out so great after the automatic process so they had to be fixed manually. Usually to get the best result in dark mode, is just to manually make different icons for dark and light mode, the automatic systems usually only get about 80% right.


Thanks for the explanation, understood.
Much effort…

I thought there could be a ‘special black’ which becomes white.

TestDumpSvgs writes the light mode icons only, regardless what is set in Rhino options.
Understood as well.

Would you like to see the dark mode icons also when running the TestDumpSvgs command? I can make a request for Steve to add an option for that.

Yes, that could be helpful when it comes to making custom icons.
Thank you!

I requested it here.

Ekran görüntüsü 2023-09-15 180317

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Logged here.

RH-77099 is fixed in the latest BETA

RH-77066 is fixed in the latest BETA

RH-77046 is fixed in the latest BETA

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RH-76990 is fixed in the latest BETA