Hello everyone,
I made a twisting tower and I want to trim some parts of it for project purpose.
I don’t understand why it’s not working and I need help or maybe a plug in … i don’t know.
No need to duplicate threads, at some point you’ll get an answer. Providing a clean GH file with internalized geometry and no excessive amount of plugins would also help to speed up support.
That being said, a few explanations below.
Surface Split waits for a list of curves.
You provide it a tree, so each branch is processed separately.
You need to Flatten the Curves input.
This however does not work because your intersection curves overlap.
You can use Trim Solid. It works but still gives errors because your boxes are tangent. I think this is the same problem that happens in Split Brep Multiple.
In the end a much better approach since you divided your surface, would be to avoid the trim, but instead to cull the kept pieces using the same Cull Pattern, and join the result.
Thanks for the feedback and advice, I’m still learning how to use the chat and I’ve started to improve by looking at posts.
As for the whole thing thank you. And I’m starting to understand why it wasn’t working.
But can you explain to me again how you understood that you had to use “brep join”? because it would never have this in mind.
The Cull Pattern retrives a list of individual pieces of surface. I used Brep Join to join these pieces into larger patches. It’s not mandatory, it depends on what you have to do next.