I am trying to make a triangle panel system for this geometry, Is there a way to make the triangles to be the same dimensions from the top to the bottom of the shape. I am using the lunchbox plug in but am happy for other methods to do this? I am trying to make a triangle panel system for this geometry, Is there a way to make the triangles to be the same dimensions from the top to the bottom of the shape. I am using the lunchbox plug in but am happy for other methods to do this!
Perhaps this can help.
[Inquiry] How to make a surface pattern transforming into a funnel shaped profile - Grasshopper - McNeel Forum
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Hey, That was so helpful thank you so much. Just a quick question you may be able to help with further.
With the shape I am using, the tripanels only work with the U 8 and V 20, however im looking to get a more symetrical triangle, (with something like U8 V10), however if i change the tri panels to that shape it distorts the surface. (see picture 2).
Triangle Panels .gh (28.7 KB)
I have attached my script any infomation would be helpful thankyou.