Diamond grid on Bubbles

Hello, community :slight_smile:

I’m trying to create diamond grids on the bubble surface.

The first photo shows the current situation. And I would like to correct the following points.
(1) Delete overlapping diamond grids.
(2) Recognize the boundary of the overlapping hemispheric surfaces, and create curves on it.

Basically, I want to make the 1st image into like 2nd image.

how could I approach this idea?
thanks so much.

Diamond Grid on Dome_2.gh (42.9 KB)

cap your hemispheres to get solids

use the solids to trim the curves with Trim with Brep
and to trim the hemisphere surfaces with Trim Solid

use intersect to get the curve along the intersection

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trimmed_hemispheres.gh (155.2 KB)

@Riku_Suzuki here’s the GH for that. there’s still a lot of work to be done of you want the curves to coincide along the intersection, but this should get you started.

i didn’t work on your file because i was missing a few plugins - however, the method should be fairly straightforward

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That’s amazing! Thank you so much!

How did you make the Brep components with Brep info in it? As I know, I have to create an object or something first, then I can assign it to the Brep component. However, your component looks like it already has Brep information without the object.

Ah, that. Grasshopper lets you internalize the geometry. think of it as a copy of some domes i made in rhino. i just saved those as copies to the grasshopper file.

to internalize, all you have to do is to right click on the component and select “internalize”.

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I didn’t know it. Thank you so much!

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