we have a problem on our computers with Rhino 8.7 if the Regional format is set to Thailand in windows: the commands.rhp plugin from McNeel does not load (and much more plugins are not loaded) and some very important commands like _Circle or _Cylinder do not work.
The only message i get in the command windows is following:
System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException: Length cannot be less than zero. (Parameter ‘length’)
at System.String.ThrowSubstringArgumentOutOfRange(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
at System.String.Substring(Int32 startIndex, Int32 length)
at Commands.CommandsPlugIn.CreateCommands()
at Rhino.PlugIns.PlugIn.InternalCreateCommands()
at Rhino.Runtime.HostUtils.CreateCommands(PlugIn plugin)
at Rhino.PlugIns.PlugIn.CreateFromAssembly(Assembly pluginAssembly, Boolean displayDebugInfo, Boolean useRhinoDotNet)
Unfortunately we did not use Rhino 8 in Thailand before Rhino 8.7, so therefore i have no answer.
But in Rhino 7 (at least 7.8) it worked (if that helps).
Please test this in the most recent version of V8 and tell us what you find. It’s unlikely to have changed but it will save us some effort if it has and if any fix is made it will be in most recent version.
I think I see what could be causing this and am making a fix right now. Once we have an 8.10 release candidate available (hopefully later today) it would be good to test and see if this works.
@dsw Are you still seeing commands not load in the latest 8.10 release candidate? If so, please past the error message that you are seeing in the command history window
today i had time to test the 8.10.24205.13001 Release Candidate on a computer with region settings in Thai.
And the good news is, it works now. There are no error message in the console window and the commands.rhp loaded successfully.