Clayoo - align points

I’m playing with the demo version, trying to align some points on a line.

it looks like rhino commands can’t be used, any advice?

Hi Enzo,

In this case, I would recommend you to use the _ClayMatch tool to align the Edges to the curve.

Unfortunately, the _SetPt rhino tool is not working with Clayoo objects. If you have to do it with _SetPt, make sure the object is in basic view (faceted), use the Rhino SetPt as working with a Rhino mesh, and then use the _ClayConvertMesh to turn the RhinoMesh into a ClayObject again.

Let me know if you have any trouble :slight_smile:

ok, thank you.

I like clayoo, but I really need to manipulate the objects with rhino commands.
please tell me that is gonna happen in the future!!!

:grimacing:… the whole point of being a Rhino plugin for me would be that it can work seamlessly with Rhino. I would expect any transform tools from Rhni to to work. Including alignment, UTD, bend, etc.

The main Rhino transformation tools are working with Clayoo objects (bend, twist, taper, array…).
The problem we have is that the Rhino gumball “does not recognize our objects”, so any modification with this gumball will convert the ClayObject into a RhinoMesh.
We are working on seamless connection with Rhino, but we have some fences.

I see. I remember a similar issue with Tsplines. So the issue is limited to gumball operations then? If I just marque select some points and run the SetPt command, without gumball interaction, does it work?

It is more about the selection, that affects directly the gumball.
Any transformation of the ClayObject with a Rhino selection (ctrl+shift…) and then transforming it (with gumball, SetPt…) will convert the ClayObject into a Rhino object.
If we have the ClayObject in basic mode, we can easily go back from the RhinoMesh simply using _ClayConvertMesh, and this is a way to allow using Rhino selections/setpt… If the CLayObject is subdivided, it will convert into RhinoMesh subdivided, so the converting the mesh into Clayoo again, will use as the basic object the subdivided one, so we will get an extremely dense object.

That is why we have our custom gumball, custom selection, etc., and we can not reuse the Rhino one.

It makes sense. Thanks for the explanation Xavi. I should test when you have a V6 version.



Glad I could help.
We are testing Clayoo for Rhino 6 with the latest version they uploaded yesterday. We hope to have it ready for the next week.


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@Xavi_Marrodan any news? I’m impatient to try Clayoo on the V6

@enzo_molinari we are almost ready, probably next Tuesday we will publish the Release Candidate to try it out :slight_smile:

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Hi @enzo_molinari,


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