ChamferSrf fails for .1 and 0.05 distances why?

I read that ChamferEdge for anything other than default 45deg is not even going to be in V7.
ChamferSrf is the workaround.

I enter .1 and 0.05 inch and it fails.

What did I do wrong ?

chamferSrf .1 and 0.05 fails.3dm (42.1 KB)

I hope its in V8 !

is it that difficult to code ?


No ChamferEdge for other than 45° in V8… Probably not in V9 either. Just not seen as a priority.
Or maybe I’m wrong about that - there does seem to be some activity on tis in YouTrack in the last 24 hours…

I think the main problem with the current ChamferEdge code is basically it’s a flat FilletEdge - which is by design equal-setback. So I guess they would have to figure out how to make the VariableChamferSrf code do all the automatic trimming, joining etc.

Hi Steve -

Thanks. It looks like this fails in Rhino 8 as well → RH-80860 ChamferSrf: Failure sample

Both in Rhino 8 and Rhino 5, you can convert the extrusion object to a polysurface and the ChamferSrf will work as expected with the values that you used.