Bugs and requests

[WISH]: Extend for both Columns and Curtainwalls. To me, it seems that it would be quite simple to implement for columns.

@rheinason this is already in our wishlist. I’ll let you know when we add this feature. Meanwhile you can use the vaSubtractSolids command to trim out the upper part of the column so it fits with the slab.

[WISH]: Ability to show which way a doors and windows open in section views, like the way it is shown in the opening elevation.

[WISH]: Ability to have a swing opening window inside of sections and opening elevations, but without the change in plan view. i.e: A fixed leaf window in plan view but a swing opening window in opening elevation view.

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[WISH]: Adding a different default Format with tags, this would be practical for creating Fire Resistance plans and other specialized plans where the addition of parameters that each component contains would be useful.

Ok, I take note of this wish for the future versions. You can actually achieve that creating a door/window from a “Grasshopper style”, so it generates the representation of the opening side on the 3D geometry, but I guess it would be more helpful to have that option integrated in the native VisualARQ doors/windows.

You can already achieve that playing with the “Aperture (%)” and “Max Aperture (%)” values of a door/window object, that corresponds to the Max Aperture of the object in plan views, and the aperture of the object in 3D views.
However it is true that you cannot show a swing opening closed in Plan view and opened in 3D with those parameters. But you can achieve that using a 2D block for the 2D Plan Representation of that Opening, (or of course, using a custom Grasshopper definition that shows the opening as you want).

That can be already achieved by typing the desired Property in the Tag format. But so far in only accepts certain Properties, like “style”, “name”, “width”, etc… but not custom parameter like “Fire resistance”. In this case you just can remove the tag format and write whatever you want on that field. Take a look at this post for more information: http://www.visualarq.com/support/tips/can-i-put-the-object-dimensions-or-other-information-inside-tags/
I’ll let you know when there are improvements on this subject.

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[WISH] : Ability to select more than one style in the styles dialogues, for easier deletion/cleanup when creating new Template files.

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4 posts were split to a new topic: Bounding box issue

Ok, request added to the wishlist!

2 posts were split to a new topic: About level naming in VisualARQ

A post was split to a new topic: Locking to an axis does not work on VisualARQ walls

I’ve closed this Thread due to its length.
If you have a bug to report or new requests, please open a new thread.

@rheinason this issue has been fixed in VisualARQ 2.1.1 version.

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@rheinason, Curtain walls are detected by Spaces since VisualARQ 2.1 version!

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We have fixed this error in VisualARQ 2.3 (VisualARQ 2 - Version 2.3 released)


@rheinason we have added the option to extend curtain walls vertically in VisualARQ 2.6: VisualARQ 2 - Version 2.6 released


VisualARQ 2.8 has been released, and includes back the option to show openings above or below cut plane in plan views. We have added also the overhead attributes, for VisualARQ objects located above the cut plane. Check this out in this video: https://youtu.be/fJSbR_gutzs

@rheinason It’s been 6 years of waiting for this feature, but now it come true in VisualARQ 3:

Column Extend