I’m looking for folks with experience with the 3D Connecxion mice, particularly on the OS X platform. My wife was kind enough to find me a used Space Pilot (the previous generation), which “sorta” works in that the cap part does it’s thing, and some (but not all) of the buttons work.
My understand after much googling is LogiTech has more or less intentionally removed the older products (the one I have) from the drivers as a means of attempting to get you to buy the new version (Space Pilot Pro).
What I’m curious about is whether or not you’ve got a current generation unit (SpaceMouse Pro or Space Pilot Pro) and what your opions are as to it’s a worthy upgrade, as these guys are pretty spendy.
My understanding is that the LCD screen is only partially implemented for OS X on the SpacePilot Pro.
In usage on the one I have, I can’t find a way to toggle between moving the viewport vs. moving a selected object or group within Rhino. They imply it can be done, but I can’t find a way to pull that off.
I also can’t for the life of me figure out a way to call up the radial menus, let alone configure them.
While the buttons for the view changes work in Blender just fine, I’m having a fairly difficult time locating a specific command to map to them in Rhino in order to change the view in single (non paned) mode. I’d love to be able to switch between Perspective / Top / Front in a single window.
For some reason, the 3DConnexion pref in Rhino is limited to 8 buttons, (which I don’t quite understand as the various units have 2, 12, and 31 buttons on them, none of which coincide to the 8 allowed by Rhino. Is there a particular reason for this?
This is one of those “can totally see the potential but have no idea how to realize it” types of things, which is a combination of my lack of experience with the product line itself and an unclear understanding of how it actually interfaces with Rhino.
Even though the drivers don’t completely mesh with the older SpacePilot I have, it’s pretty slick in Blender, but almost limited to manipulating the view only within Rhino, so I’m curious as to what other folks experiences have been.