More Spacemouse Issues

I’m on the latest full release of Rhino 8 and I just purchased a Spacemouse Pro wireless.
All of the main controls work as expected ( the 3D knob, Shift, Option, escape) but the 4 programmable buttons seem to be non-existent. There are only 8 slots showing up inside of Rhino for the 3D Connexion section and only 7 of the 8 light up when I hit a button ( they are also scrambled all over the place. Button 1 is the menu key while F is button 6) The top 4 assignable buttons don’t light anything up. I am struggling to see the logic in how this is supposed to work and how I should assign things. I can assign some very basic functions using the 3D connexion app but this does me little to no good. How would I go about assigning the 4 programmable buttons to Rhino functions?
I would like, for example, button 1 to start the line tool and button 2 the fillet curve command. Does anyone here know how to make this work?

I re-installed Rhino and the 3D Connexion app hoping this was why things were so strange in the Rhino 3D Connexion page but it did not change anything.
Thank you all for all of the help you have given me over the years. I’m a slow learner so please be patient with me. I do get there in the end.

Create a macro inside Rhino to launch “_Line” command and use this same macro in 3D connexion menu > macros section > create a new macro and it should be working

I have never made a macro before, but I’m reading up on it now.
Thank you for the advice Corentin.

You are welcome. If it works, you can consider it as a solution

I can’t get it to work. I’m not even 100% sure I’m doing it correctly. The Macro Editor in Rhino 8 on Mac is quite different from the Macro Editor in the McNeal wiki ( Creating Macros [McNeel Wiki])
The V8 Editor is just a blank slate like a text editor. I typed in ! _Polyline into the editor and it works when I hit play. I then created a macro in the 3D connexion app and as text put in the exact same thing ( ! _Polyline ) but nothing happens. I used this macro on quite a few different buttons but none of them respond to the macro the way I have it set up. Either I’m doing it wrong or it does not work, unfortunately.

Assign your macro to a Keyboard hotkey combination in Rhino Options, then use the rhino keyboard key sequence in the Spacemouse macro sequence.

At least this is how I do it with rhino 7.

Thank you for the information Richard. Are you on Mac or Windows? I’m beginning to suspect that this might not be implemented in the Mac version yet. I tried what you recommended. I re-assigned F10 to Polyline and then created a macro to press F10. It works from my keyboard but it didn’t work with the spacemouse. I also tried directly assigning F10 to the button in the 3D Connextion App as well as using “text type” and “Keystroke” to no avail. I tested multiple buttons but none of them would trigger the keyboard shortcut.

I’m on windows.

Screenshot your spacemouse ui where you’re configuring the macro.

I Created 2 Macro’s. One using “Type Text” ( which I think should not work anyway since it likely see’s it as F and then 10) as well as one using “Keystroke”. I also directly assigned a button to “keystroke” as well. Here are screen caps of all the windows including Rhino Keyboard Shortcuts.

Thank you for your help,

What are the available options under Mapping other than Type Keystroke?

Unfortunately just Pause. Not sure what that is good for.


Yeah, the only one that makes sense there is keystroke. Sorry friend, nothing else I can offer in advice.

What about the different Modes other than Press and Hold?

Earlier I used the keystroke command by clicking in the empty field and pressing the F10 key. That did not work. However, when I opened the menu for keystroke ( the menu with …)

and selected F10 from the drop down menu it worked.

It works with Button 1 so I it should work with all of them. Oh man am I happy right now. Thank you so much for your help.

Finally a solution :smiley:

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Hi Jeremy, I haven’t fully read the entire conversation thread but Im wondering why you were trying to set a macro when it seems you are wanting to execute a singe command? Macros are generally used to execute a string of commands. You could also set a keyboard shortcut for a command in rhino then set a button on your spacemouse to type that keystroke? This is what I do for all my spacemouse buttons, its easy to set and works well.

Hello User3134,
Basically this was a last resort. I could not get anything to work with the 4 assignable buttons. I tried pretty much everything I know of I just did not know that the F keys were in the drop down menu. What is strange is that creating keystrokes was not working. Not for my Spacemouse wireless or for my Spacemouse Pro wireless. Now it appears that at lease some keystrokes are working, even when I manually type them in. I have been trying this for months now and just could not get it to work. Now it works and I am not exactly sure what changed except for me using the F key assignment from the drop down menu instead of typing it in manually.

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