Zoo cloud License

I want to add Rhino 6 License to Cloud zoo before that i have those Licenses on Zoo Admin server which has no internet access. I have deleted those Licenses from Zoo Admin but still when i am adding licenses in Zoo cloud i am getting message that these licesnes are in use in zoo Admin.

Should i stop and start the zoo admin after deleting Licenses?
or else is there any thing i should do after deleting License?

Thanks in advance…

@John_Brock, can you help with this?

It sounds like the license validations were not returned to our servers when your used the Delete icon in ZooAdmin to remove them.

If your Zoo is older than Zoo 6, SR10, or if your Zoo server is behind a firewall this can happen.

Please contact our Sales team in Seattle at sales@mcneel.com, or 206-545-7000 so the validations can be manually returned.
Then you’ll be able to add them to a Cloud Zoo Team.

@jody, can you help with this please?

Hi @saiyashwanth.sharab
Can you please email your license keys to me at sales@mcneel.com? If your Zoo is not connected to the internet I will need to remove the original validations manually. Thank you.

~ Jody