Y-shaped pattern

Hello, everyone! Does anyone knows how to do this type of pattern? I don’t understand how to change only a thicknes of Y-shapes - without changing its overal size/ length. Thanks!

Curve attractors can be used

Thank u for the answer! I understand that we need to use attracotrs - but how to change thicknes of Y-shape - without changing its overal size?

my concept i shall offset curve both side to create y shape and the offset value be the used in the attractors


Thank you! I think i figured it out)

welcome to this forum. What you asked is a very classical question, if you invest some time learning the basics of the tool you will surely manage to do it.
here are some guides for this forum

In order to make this pattern you need some stars (polar array of a line). Points can be used from this tool

In order to thicken it the most simple thing is to use Clipper plugin, 2 or 3 plugins are available on Food4rhino. I use this one

You must provide 3 lines in the same branch of a datatree and an offset for each Branch.

Y shaped cross pattern V2.gh (15.8 KB)

And could be changed to 4 sided crosses

Y shaped cross pattern V3.gh (18.5 KB)


thanks for sharing

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This is amazing! Thank you for your help!)