It’s a known bug that some dimensions to certain objects are unstable.
But once they’re no longer associated with the blocks I believe they are stable (if not, maybe someone will let me know). I’m not sure how to accomplish that with a dimension that’s been snapped to a block - and retain the dimensions editable node structure (so exploding is not an option.) Appreciate any ideas.
I don’t understand what you mean by unstable, but trying to see what you might be talking about I see that dimensions snapped to blocks don’t update with history.
That’s at least a place to start.
Thanks for the thought. The post evolved thusly: Dimensions between VisualArq blocks and curves rearrange themselves erratically and drastically, snapping to points in empty space without apparent logic, if any of the objects are altered in any way. I haven’t tried this for other types of blocks, but am told by the VisualArq dev team that this is an issue dimensioning all Rhino blocks, which would make it a general Rhino issue (which is why I posted it here.)
I’m still pretty unclear on the details of your problem. Who at the VisualArq dev team did you talk to about this? Maybe I can find out more from that person.
I’ve made some changes in the past weeks to fix a couple of dimension history update bugs, so the specific service release of Rhino will make a difference.
None of those fixes were specifically about blocks though.
I’m wondering if there’s an update on this.
Blocks are useful, and dimensions are critical, but as of the date of this post 8 months ago any dimension snapped to part of a block was unstable.
Any update on the status of this issue?
Hello -it looks like VisualArq is part of this, at least at some point, is that still true? On the thread you linked above it appears to be fixed in SR9, but I guess it is not, for you, correct?
Thanks Pascal, but I’m pretty sure it’s a problem which cropped up with any dimension snapped to any part of a block. At the time of the OP we tested it and that was the consensus.
I don’t recall what Rhino version was active last fall, but I’m pretty sure the issue was still present at that time.
I haven’t tested it out at this point. After a few non-Rhino months I’m refreshing my memory about different issues and workarounds and hoping there’s been some movement on some of them.
The reason I haven’t tested it at this point is that it takes time for the bug to evince itself. A bit of zooming around, switching view types, maybe some saving and opening again… it could be over a half hour of use. It feels like a task for a beta tester.
@fsalla answered this question in your other post.
FWIW, I couldn’t find a YT item in the system that specifically targets any of these threads, so I wouldn’t know. Perhaps Francesc or @enric knows which YT item this was.