WISH : Official GH tool to control Rhino Layers

I wish there was an official GH tool to control Rhino Layers, with the usual “Get” and “Modify” components, similar to Human’s “Layer Table” and “Modify Layers” components.
The reason I ask is that I find that it is one of those features which should not have to rely on a plugin to exist, and also because Human’s version does not have a way to control the Locked / Unlocked state of layers.

Have you tried the new Rhino Grasshopper components in Rhino 8 WIP?

Here’s an example how to modify layer names:

layer_names_modify.gh (14.8 KB)

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Duh… There’s even a “locked” input, as I hoped for !
I really need to spend some time with the WIP…

Thanks Martin !

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