I am working on a script that outputs g-code based on the Rhino layers and their geometry. I need the script to be dependent on the order of the layers, which i have achieved based on the “Layer Table” component from the Human plugin. But they do not update whenever i change the order. Only on a full reboot of Rhino and GH.
I still work with Rhino 7, if that means anything.
Script is attached:
20240407 - CNC GH script_MKH V2_6.gh (91.6 KB)
Also a test file (Both in Rhino 7 & 8):
P2_side_MKH_RH7.3dm (3.3 MB)
P2_side_MKH_RH8.3dm (3.3 MB)
I’ve tried to make a python component that would output both the layer structure and their visibility, but it won’t update either.
import Rhino
import Grasshopper
# Global variable to hold previous layer info
previous_layer_info = []
def get_layers_info():
# Get the current layers in the active Rhino document
layers = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers
layer_names = []
layer_visibility = []
for layer in layers:
layer_names.append(layer.Name) # Store layer names
layer_visibility.append(layer.IsVisible) # Store layer visibility status
return layer_names, layer_visibility
def update_layer_info():
global previous_layer_info
# Get the current layer info
layer_names, layer_visibility = get_layers_info()
# Create a tuple of current layer info for comparison
current_layer_info = list(zip(layer_names, layer_visibility))
# Check for changes
if current_layer_info != previous_layer_info:
previous_layer_info = current_layer_info # Update previous info
return layer_names, layer_visibility
return None, None
# Initial call to get layer info
layer_names, layer_visibility = get_layers_info()
a = layer_names # Output for layer names
b = layer_visibility # Output for layer visibility status
# Store the initial layer info for comparison
previous_layer_info = list(zip(layer_names, layer_visibility))