Wish for extrude behavior

Most other commands like Line or Move interpret an input of “0” as “0,0,0” (cplane origin), but ExtrudeCrv and ExtrudeSrf instead interpret “0” as a distance to extrude and then throw an error because it’s less than the absolute tolerance.

So what is your wish?

For the extrude commands to match the typical behavior.

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nice observation.
I think it s one of those “ugly” inconsistencies that should get cleaned up for many workflows to feel more intuitive.

_extrudeCrv and _line both allow a “Point or Number” input at certain moment of the dialog but do not behave the same as you pointed out.

by the way “w0” = World 0,0,0 instead of “0” = cplane 0,0,0 will get interpreted as expected. (on the mac version)

from my side.

kind regards -tom

Hi Measure -

RH-85232 Extrude: Allow Zero as Origin

RH-85232 is fixed in Rhino 8 Service Release 16