WISH - better layout DETAIL Properties

Hi Rhinomaniacs,
I would have a faster and easyer control on the Detail View propeties like SCALE and STYLE.
today I’ve to enter each single detail to change the visual style and this it take a lot of time when the drawing is going complex.

My suggestion is to use the same interface we already have in the Print dialog window for the scale set-up, it’s much clearer and the most important to being able to change the viewport style directly as detail properties.

see this image:

Apologize for italian language of the screen.

I know that many prefer to use the Make2D but in thi way you loose a lot of time when the 3D model changes because you have to re-create the view.


@rajaa @stevebaer any hints on this?

Hi @skysurfer,
These are all good feature requests.

  • The scale “label” that is easier to read has been suggested before but I could not find the YT, so I logged it again. (RH-81787)
  • The Display mode from the Properties panel is a good suggestion and I will get logged.
  • Improving setting the display mode to multiple details is already on the wish list for Rhino 9. (updating with YT id soon)
    In the mean time you can use this script:
    SetDetaiDisplayMode.py (2.3 KB)

Mary Ann Fugier


Thanks for the reply.
I hope to see them soon.