WIP (8) feedback

Rhino 7 is good enough for me (except for the bugs), but I need much better Bongo plugin. Waiting for Bongo 3 is like waiting for Godot.

is in Rhino

click ok/cancel (seems safer to me as it gives the option to cancel the edit. Also otherwise, when is the click meant as block exit?)

RH-29349 Double click to edit nested blocks in block manager

This is an old wish but mentioning it for completeness RH-11366 Some visibility options

is in V8 as _CreateUniqueBlock

already added in this thread



_Insert can do this, the second will give a popup with the option to insert


I’ve added your request to limit only certain axis
RH-72164 Wish: Protected blocks


Even if I would try it, then you need to be specific to what you find better. I can download and test drive, form my own opinion on it and still not know what you want

I’ve added RH-72836 Global and local key/value for block instances

okay, this is then listed as RH-34493 BlockEditOk and BlockEditClose desired for macros and scripts

RH-4393 RichText in Notes

RH-55283 Working with text field syntax is awkward

To cancel the edit in skp you use ctrl z. Clicking outside the block accepts the changes and closes the block.

Cool, we’ve got “CreateUniqueBlock”, “BlockResetScale”, “ReplaceBlock” o.o.t.b. now!
If you also could add “Select same Block”, the plugin “BlockTools” would not be necessary anymore.
Thank you!

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is V5 command :slight_smile:

there is SelBlockInstanceNamed (V5), but in V8 in the block manager panel, you can highlight and select top level block instances directly this way.

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Yes. I didn’t mean all these commands come in R8.

Is this a command, and can be put on an alias?

no, listed as RH-56445 Wish: New command to select all block instances as currently selected

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I mean:

why? :sob:

There is one method to change control points location of a SubD?
One, at least one! Be it grasshopper or c#.
I need it. For RH7. Since RH7 release.

Jumping to mesh and back to SubD mess up a lot of things, like turning Ngons to triangles.
(And yes, we need better control also for ngons, for meshes and subds…)

I’ve made many scripts to work with SubD, but it really feels a “abstract/forgotten” type, compared to other geometry types… seeing the situation from a user. I’m sure under the hood it’s wonderful, but we users can only use rhino commands or GH+rhinocommon.


Hi @Joshua_Kennedy .
That new feature seems cool, but how is that related to this post?

Riccardo -

It was a direct answer to one of Ivan’s bullet points in this thread…


Hi all again.

Made a video with a bunch of bugs.
(Again I’m not using WIP, I found those by simply messing around for some minutes…)

  • 00:24-00:38 SubD add crease: lets you pick not-visible edges while shaded mode (like if wireframe mode)
  • 00:45-01:30 if "MouseOverHighlight=true Insert SubD Loop command will abort if you confirm your selection after moving the mouse cursor. You need to select and then confirm without moving.
  • 01:45-02:10 “Snap to CPlane Z” snaps also at 45°-ish direction while drawing a rectangle and the camera is pointing downward
  • 02:10-03:00 clicking/toggling bottom status bar “Filter” button will not update (just visually) the floating “Selection Filters” window
  • 03:05-03:50 floating “Selection Filters” window is glitchy, some empty spaces, and resizing it will take one CPU core go 100% load
  • 03:55-04:10 editing the UI layout will cause a “ghost” rhino app appears on the Windows bottom bar
  • 04:20-05:05 floating windows like Curvature analysis or Zebra have often random sizes and are glitchy when resized, and some of its contents are much thinner than the available space (like curvature numerical min-max values). Shouldn’t those windows have a fixed dimension? Why the option to resize them? At least have the UI calculate its minimum sizes so one can just drag it to smallest size and forget about it.
    (Also, the handle still pops at only 1pixel thickness…)

Thanks @maje90 for reporting

I believe this is working as designed. The same happens for example if you select edges in subobject selection mode where only edges/curves are active or when selecting edges in DupEdge

I see this too, will add a report shortly.

RH-73327 Z-ortho snap issue

this one I cannot reproduce. Is this still the case for you in latest WIP?

RH-73328 SelectionFilter scaling issue

I cannot reproduce this here, is this still the case for you in latest WIP?

I’ve added a comment to the original YT item about the resize flickering
Also added specifics about the curvature window here RH-73329 CurvatureAnalysis window issues

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Are you sure?
On Rhino 7 it doesn’t work this way. On shaded mode you can select only visible edges/vertices while adding a crease, and this seems much more logical. If I want to select hidden edges, I would go with ghosted/wireframe mode…

You’re right, latest WIP doesn’t have this problem. My bad.

Even on latest WIP (8.0.23059.12305, 2023-02-28).
It’s not a “bug” , but … well… it’s there. Surely not to put on priority though…
visible also on task manager:
Rhino WIP UI process

3 posts were split to a new topic: OffSet SubD on part of SubD

2 posts were split to a new topic: Selection Highlight bug

Preferred is a new topic for a new bug, but I prefer a report over no report :slight_smile:

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1 topic for each new bug? Even little ones?
I do fear of spamming in the forum… I already fear to be posting too often here.
I wouldn’t like to be the creator of something similar:

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Yes, please.