I want also to ask for a new feature: offset SubD (or mesh) should work with faces, not only whole SubD/mesh:
Or for ExtrudeSubD to have an option to use face normals and not vertex normals.
Left is ExtrudeSubD result.
Middle is original selection.
Right is doing:
extract surface
OffsetSubD Solid=true
removing duplicate faces and joining all together again, removing creases
ExtrudeSubD gives a cool dynamic preview while you move mouse cursor of the extrusion amount.
OffsetSubD does not, only a numerical input and you only see the result after command completion.
Being mesh/subd offset only a “move vertexes by the vertex normal*amount” it should be lightweight… no? But it would be much cooler and give a more modern feeling to use.
… no?
Maybe I don’t know how to use it… but don’t Gumball extrude everything of the selection with a single vector/direction?
I still want each face to extrude by its own normal.
Maybe let’s not talk about face normals, but of vertexes normal ignoring not-selected neighbors.