These shaded modes are very different in V7 with my current settings.
What do I need to alter to get it same as V5, Its a rubber blade and colours are from layers, fine for my needs, and using a dark grey in V5 gave me a good look in all views.
V7 has a metal effect and a very odd end view.
Hi Steve -
Too many things have changed in the display code to make it possible to have a viewport look 100% the same in Rhino 5 as it does in Rhino 7.
From the factory-default Shaded display mode in Rhino 7…
Hi Wim,
It made a slight change for the better, the BURNOUT of reflections (very un real) is lessened a little but not the visually better and usable V5.
Thanks for that.
I always wanted V5 shaded mode to be improved, as on the non visible side of objects the shades were better, but V7 has gone the other way.
I used to find if I had a sunken hole in a cube, looking at it in ortho view one couldnt see the hole at all, in reality we would have had a shadow inside the hole.
I see that V7 doesnt improve on that, what setting to place a shadow in the hole ?
Just as in Rhino 5, you turn the “Edge Thickness” to 0. In Rhino 7, this setting is found on the Rhino Options > View > Display Modes > Shaded > Objects > Surfaces page.
That requires the Shadows On option to be enabled on the [...] > Shaded > Shadows page.
In Rhino 7, when you turn off the environment and the gloss color in the dialog that appears when you click the Customize… button for “Custom material” on the main [...] > Shaded page, you get something like this:
edges…thanks…a bit of a backwater setting but found it, edges sorted.
Shadows, turned it on, got a crescent in my hole, however the inner face of the sunken hole would be a bit darker being inside the cube, so a grey crescent doesnt show the ‘user’ or ‘client’ a hole as such.
I then adjusted some sliders, made no difference, set them back to their defaults, and the crescent never came back. (had a photoshop screen capture before I meddled with their settings), and despite exit shadows and try again, there is no crescent at all now.
turn off Gloss…loses the realistic reflectiveness, too deadpan. Needs a sheen option. for metallics. The burnout is too much in V7.
I also test for lighting location in V7
Create a cube and give it dark grey.
If one allocates it to the black layer one gets BRIGHT WHITE. thats nuts anyway.
anyhow…then I clone and rotate in increments of 10 degrees, downwards upwards, then sideways another set.
same for V5.
and whilst V5 has one light source, in V7 the lights are in 3 locations, that is very non the real world, mother nature has one, the sun, also very non photo studio setup (two brollies if that, one set stronger than the other. )
3 equal light sources is NOT RIGHT.
How does one tell V7 there is one light source in the environment or room ?
I have never dabbled in the lighting area at all, so someone has meddled with it in V7.
Yet another thing that needs fixing.
I am spending all my time fixing things that worked before.
I shall alter V7 to one light as V5.
Someone has definitely decided to make it very diffferent.
here is the difference.